I cant tell you how much fun boyfriend is making of me right now for the positioning of my hand and fingers in this photo, HA! (I had to send this photo to the customer so I thought I would post it)

As for the blog saga that has been plaguing my life, Im still getting e-mails from the involved parties and all kinds of crazy shiz. But Im over it. I am a little more cautious for sure, but I dont really want to go private.
Sisters back and I couldn't be happier! They had so much fun and I was able to look at her amazing photos. I want to go somewhere beautiful and exotic...now if only I could get over my FEAR of flying. I hate it.
Well then maybe I'm dippy...I would love one of these beauties on a little jacket or something! And tell boyfriend to zip it, I think your hand looks dainty and ladylike. You should look into hand modeling...
who would have thought...weddings! you are just a popular girl!! your mom said that you are very busy with your little business from home! what an accomplishment perfect time to have kids!! :) your mom would really want all the kids to move back home or vice versa!!
your hand does look lovely...perfecting positioning of those fingers!
And I LOVE that...it would look amazing as a pin on anything!
I'm glad sister is back...I know you missed her...I can't wait to see her photos...lets get together soon!
You're all talent--hey..I like the idea of doing weddings--it changes it up a bit. I would pin those flowers at my wedding-I love em! Tell Ab--that you need to go pro with the hand-modeling and it's not so dippy!! You have to have a hand to model the goods!!
rolling at the picture.
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