I had such a fun day with sister and the girls today. I have been working my @!#$'s off and we took a day to go shopping, to fine dine and let Estee ride the ponies at Gardeners Village.

Look at the Monie, so cute...and those legs...

How cute is my Estee? Tearing up the house on her Dora bike. Don't mess with this girl or you will have Auntie to answer to...seriously.

This girl is getting so big. Love how proud she is in this photo...even though there might be some inappropriateness in the background.
Awe! I'm glad you got a break Ann! I can't even imagine making all of those little felt flowers!!! And I might have to swing that "riding the bike" idea by my sister for when the boys visit her!
Aren't those the animals that had swarms of flies so thick surrounding them that we weren't really sure they were ponies???
Ohhh...so fun. I'm SO glad that you got a break! I love Gardner Village...actually I was there yesterday too! Did you happen to get some of those tiny tinsel trees? Love them!
And those girls are just the cutest ever...seriously!
rolling because only you would notice that.
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