So...maybe you have or haven't noticed that I haven't really been putting to many photos of me or my family (with the exception of Estee's preschool which was a mistake) on my blog lately. Your going to freak when you hear what happened...
So a few nights ago I get an e-mail from a guy and it basically says in a nut shell:
Hey Ann, You don't know me and this might be kind of weird but someone has been using photos of you and sending them to me and 3 other guys and she humiliated us and she also has a blog where she uses your words and photos. Just thought you should know. (this is paraphrased)
I was kind of freaking when I read it but thought it might be a joke or something.
So, as I am reading this my man's cell phone rings and it the guy who sent me the e-mail...Now I really start freaking. He had gotten adams # from his blog (he has it on there because he is all business) and felt like he needed to call Adam to let him know what has been going on. Turns out this guy was super nice. Anyway, he starts telling us about how he has been corresponding with this girl for A LONG TIME and that she has been sending photos from my blog...like if it was a photo of me and boyfriend she would say "here is a photo of me and my my brother-in-law Chris." He also told us that she had 2 blogs that had my photos all over them and a ton of my posts (we all know how high quality my posts can be...she must like the word shiz) She also had photos form sisters blog and photos of things from my moms blog like a photo of her sugar cookies and then she wrote "oh mom, your the best...thanks for the cookies" ! The whole blogs were like this and she had stuff in her archives from like 9 months ago. There were things from Heathers blog, Jen's blog, sisters blog, mom's blog, Amy d's blog...it was some crazy shiz Im telling you. So, I got on her blog yesterday and she posted about how her and her mom were watching her sisters girls while she was out of town, and how she had to put her Pookie's buns in time out and that she felt so bad.
To make an already too long story a little shorter one of the guys that she had been e-mailing my photos to confronted her yesterday and so she took most of it down...BUT SHE'S STILL OUT THERE MY FRIENDS...and if your looking at this Im sure she had a photo of you on her blog too or used one of your posts.
I figure I dont have kids and I don't put inappropriate things on my blog (aside from the last video I posted, apparently you weren't as amused as I) so I haven't really worried about it in the past, now I kind of do. At first I was so mad that this girl had basically stolen my identity and that of some of the people that I love, but the more I thought about if the worse I felt for this girl....she must not have friends or a family of her own to share so she takes other peoples lives. Im broken hearted for her and I kind of wanted to give you all away to her...but Im to selfish and you're my loved ones!!!
I just thought I should share these going ons with you so that you are aware and I hope it doesn't sound bratty or anything...Just the cold hard facts about the crazy/sad people that creep around blogs.
Oh my....that is why we went private....never know who is out there!! I do feel bad for the girl though.
That is weird...not much else to say....if you go private invite me. :)
Someone has WAY too much time on their hands, and no life, and no ethics.
hey i'm a fan of lee + lou and your sis's photography. it might help to set your blog so it isn't searchable, just got to:
Basic: Add your blog to our listings? NO Let search engines find your blog? NO
This girl will still be reading your blog but at least you can make it so every search engine doesn't link to your blog.
It really is strange what people will do.
Ugh. Yuck.
I've heard of this sort of thing happening a few times.
People are so bored with their lives :(
Sorry you've had this happen.
wow! pretty crazy...i bet that guy was bummed when he found out that it wasn't really you! are you going private?
Yikes, what the crap! That's nice that that guy told you about it. Crazy, crazy!
Okay, so scary. I just got on to go to your etsy and read this nutsy story. What are you going to do? Did you talk to her? Yikes!!
um yeah...creepy...really, really creepy...
wow... that is freaky..
i hate hearing these kinds of stories.. it makes me never want to blog again..
Ann that is insane...i am such a fan of your blog! that is really lame, more than that it is creepy and scary.
I cried when I read your account. I felt so badly that you and your loved one's had been violated...but what made me cry was your empathy and kind heart towards the woman who stole from you. You are such an amazing person to feel so much compassion for someone who IS probably lonely and has no life and no idea of how to make friends or adventures of their own -- also to be so understanding and forgiving when potentially you had been harmed. I don't really understand the mindset of one who can blatantly steal someone's thoughts, perceptions, families, ideologies....I am relatively new to the blogging world, and a fan of your blog, which I found via lou & lee. So, in light of what happened to you, I pose a question...for blogs that interest one, is it the proper etiquette to ask for an invite prior to reading? If so, may I now properly ask permission to continue reading and commenting?
AnnieC (aka Rachel Halverson, Tooele, Utah)
P.S. After what has happened to you and yours I would so not be offended if you are not comfortable with me reading about your life...I am interested in what others write as I am trying to improve my writing skills. I want to write a children's book someday....
Blessings and Light,
oh so crazy... I can't believe that.
I love the shiz part.
Homegirl is bat shiz crazy. I am just sad that she has taken down all the pics before I got a chance to creep on over to her blog and check it out. All I have to say is that you are quite the celebrity...take it as a compliment that people want to be you THAT badly!
I'm determined to find this girl's blog...
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