This photo is from the night of Julia's birthday party! ( and its not the embarrassing one)

What is so embarrassing is that Jen had an extravaganza for Dave's 30th birthday...a luau of sorts and she told us that we HAD to get dressed up. So, Amy went to DI and got her fanciful shirt, my man even went to his dads to barrow some sort of Hawaiian top and I wore a floor length muumuu...needless to say there were not many dressed the part. I get embarrassed doing things like that to begin with (not because Im a party pooper but because Im lame), and this is the reason why.
lame you are not.
you guys look so cute.
who's julia? do you have other friends besides me?!
So where are the pictures of the full length MUMU!
geez and I thought I knew how to party...you tropical ladies know how to get down! I'm so proud...
oh... come on it was fun. And you looked beautiful in your mumu!
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