Boyfriend and I had a very busy weekend...

The above is Misters nursery in the making...its starting to look like a room! He has been working so hard between work and getting this done for us.

I had to get over 60 headbands made this weekend...Sister came over and helped me on Sunday, I dont know what I would do without her. I took a big order up to Babinskis...if you're in the market.

Im trying to get Mister's items organized...its not easy. I have the bassinet full of stuff, the crib full of stuff, the bugaboo full of stuff...We need our nursery. I cant image what it will be like to actually have a place to put things.
Post pictures of the bedding, Amy say's it's A Mazing.
yeah, so i went to lunch today with amy and stopped in babinski's on my way home... and left with two more headbands for baby girl. i seriously can't get enough.
i don't understand how you can cut felt like that.. it's a serious gift.
we're the opposite. i have a place to put things but nothing to put in. no clothes. kind of freaking out.
Oh it is looking so incredible! I can't wait for it to be all done for you...let us know when we can help!!
Oh man, that vintage love headband is staring right at me!
I hate to do this, but I feel like it needs to be that a Christmas tree I see in your window?
that mister is already too spoiled.
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