My bed and I. Bed rest...I should ask my sister-in-law Erin about it...she's been on it for about 15 years. Im supposed to lay around all day and only get up to go to the bathroom and to "put something in the microwave" (Dr.s words not mine). My blood pressure is sky rocketing, and he doesn't want it to get any higher or its c-section city for me and the Mister. Its funny how all I wanted to do was lay in bed until I was told that I have too.

Here I am today on my first day...no makeup (and why would I) plus I went to bed with my hair wet (I got to use my fancy shower downstairs for the first time ever last night...very luxurious) As you can see Im not in bed...but Im headed that way. I left my sodie (which I probably shouldn't be drinking) on the desk and thought I would blog. Thats the scoop...
so, i take it you won't be coming to craft night tomorrow..
you poor thing..i hope the mister comes soon for your sake. i think i'd go nuts on bed rest too..
let me know, i'll be in the around and you just say the word and i'll deliver you a sweet tooth fairy cupcake or a dipidee...
call me!!!
well rest assured if you do have to go early, you're far along enough that he'll be absolutely fine. You may just not have anywhere to put him :)
And no fair that you're wearing horizontal stripes and no makeup while pregnant and looking beautiful.
love you guys.
that crest looks reeeal nice.
Oh dude...I always thought I would want to be on bed rest. Not true? Hang in there, you're so close to having little Mister! If you need anything, just give me a call. We've been bbq-ing a lot, we could bring you a grilled meal some night!
Mmm, now I'm craving a Crest bev - they have the best brews.
Please take it easy...it won't be long now. I love you!!!!
At least it's a lovely bed?!
Oh man that is no fun! Luckily he will be here soon! Let me know if there is anything you need!!!
And it is a lovely bed...
Nice bedding! where did you get it?
Hang in there. Get all the rest you can possibly get cause in a few days you'll be holding mister and wont want to let go of him.
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