Since my last post went over like a F@r* in the night, I thought I would post again...even though I don't really have anything to post about...

Me looking HUGE, thats o.k. that's what happens I guess....

apparently, snuggling my cute new/old clock for Misters room...I got it off Etsy and LOVE that little owl family.

I look so candid in the above photo... Only 3 1/2 weeks left!

And, Im going to close the shop in the next couple of days so that I can get caught up on my work and figure out what Im doing...Just an FYI
Hi Ann,
I found out about your blog from your sister's blog (can't wait for her answers on the Q&A by the way!).
I am currently working (like crazy) to finish my master's thesis, and I believe my "due date" is the same as yours! And my head feels as big as you feel your belly is... :-)
I just wanted to wish you the best for the last stretch!
Hey fancy lady...I loved your last post...and I love how cute you look...and of course love that clock!!!
Loooove this new one!! Want it real bad.
you look great!!! and that new headband is DARLING!!!
I can;t believe you have less then 4 weeks left!!!
I want that headband too....sooo cute! You look darling and I can't believe the little mister is almost here.
you are looking very romantic with your new clock.
and it isn't right you looking so bomb just weeks before having my little guy.
hi there, i found your site through amy's, who i found through a mutual friend. i must say, you are about the most stylin' pre-momma ever. we just had our third bambina and i never looked as cute as you. :) i am also drooling over that headband! beautiful! would you be willing to share your secret as to what you use for the headband part? it looks like a nylon, but like you didn't cut it or sew it anywhere. you are so talented, thanks for the inspiration.
You look AMAZING! I can't believe he is almost here....can't wait to see him...hopefully to hold him. I love you.
hey ann! you look darling! love the new headband. in fact i just rushed to convo you about it.
also, just posted pictures of ruby on my blog with that darling clip you sent me!! i died. whenever i post those i always think it is fun to let the artists know so they can see their work in action.
good luck!!! i am so excited for you and your new little family.
rolling at these pictures and that headband is the cutest thing i have EVER seen.
you look so dang cute. Mark called me a linebacker today. He'd get a beat down if I could move.
You look so darling as a prego lady! Hang in there and good luck on misters upcoming birth. Aunt Judy
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