First off let me say...
How does Sister do it? A lot of times people will say "oh, your sister has that fancy camera, that takes such beautiful photos" drives me nuts for 2 reasons. 1. Not to be mean at all, but lots of people have the same camera and their photos don't look like sisters (she is going to kill me for writing that) and 2. Look at the magic that she captured with her iphone, no editing just pure talent for capturing moments and lighting.

I agree Ann, Amy does have a talent! She is an amazing photographer!! I love this picture of you two and that she is holding on to a bar of cute is that!
this is SO sweet!
What a beautiful moment. That makes bedrest a little more tolerable...
Oh sister stop! You are my biggest fan and I am definetly yours!
Love you so much.
i agree with you one hundred percent about amy's talent. and this picture is seriously the sweetest of all time.
It is so wonderful to be near your little neices and nephews--I loved that time in Page when we were all together.
Agreed. !00% with you on that one. I haven't ever met her and I'm a fan!
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