So, since I only have 2 weeks (which Im sure means 4) I started to get my bag packed....and then I thought, what in heavens name do I put in this bag!? I would love to hear some of the things you wish you would have packed but forgot or something that you took and you were so happy that you had it. It would be so very helpful.

A robe, a fuzzy light weight robe... and a cute headband!
I had a home birth, so I didn't pack a bag -- BUT if I did I would bring a nice big cozy tshirt to wear afterward :)
socks. really cozy, fuzzy socks. then jolly ranchers or something to suck on. and a cd of lullabies to listen to with your new little bundle.
Oooh, yes - socks! I just brought some things that remind me of home. My favorite lotion, books, music, etc. I didn't bring any nightgowns or robes because I didn't want them to get messy (TMI?), but I know some women who have done that and loved it. You'll do great! We can't wait to meet little Mister.
a camera for sure! I actually almost forgot this in the excitement of rushing to the hospital, and then some flip flops to wear to walk around the hospital room in...:)
2 pairs of jammies, slippers and chapstick!
my favorite part of the whole hospital stay was taking a shower-i had c-sections, so i had to wait a day. so the best thing for me was the yummy body scrub/wash that i packed. and good lotion. and cozy jammies and slippers.
Once I could eat stuff, my husband went out & got pumpkin pancakes from the Original Pancake House, and I have never been the same. So I guess you can't really pack that, but let boyfriend know that he will be expected to supplement the sucky hospital food.
You will certainly need boyfriend to go get you some good food after you have the baby! Can you pack cupcakes?
I took pajamas (but didn't wear them) but I did wear my robe over my hospital gown to waddle down the hall to see Stella in the nursery...and take some loose fitting clothing (juicy pants and a t-shirt) for going home.
Some magazines or a good book...your iphone obviously...some favorite treats and some yummy lotion or body spray for that first day. It really helps make you feel better!
Buy Kenny Loggins "Return to Pooh Corner"'s his lullaby cd for his child...amazing. Good luck and I can't wait to see you both. I LOVE YOU!!!!
hospital pillows stink. i mean they are really flat. so i would bring one you like so you can sleep. i took my laptop, too, and a few movies. and a warm beanie for baby. oh, i'm sure you'll think of everything. good luck!
Super comfy and fun some from Sears recently...bomb. Also, a light robe, bring your own pillow...and send boyfriend out for yummies.
Good lucks, can't wait to see pictures of this little man.
After spending those 9 days I could tell you LOTS of things. Your fave shampoo, conditioner, lotion because that first shower will be the best one of your life. Chapstick, your own pillow, slippers, and something comfy to wear home. Crackers, snacks (Oreo cakesters, maybe?)
Also a long sleeve, full length onesie for mister's ride home. It's more comfy for him bc it's not too bulky under car seat straps.
I had a soft robe and loved having it to cover up with when visitors came or when I headed off to the nursury. I would also say for sure some yummy smelling shower gel and lotion. Anything to make you feel fresh---it's a treat to use their showers--ha ha!! Can't wait for the little guy!!!
I've been following your blog for awhile, I'm a lurker.. sorry. :( I had my last two at home, but I think that you should write yourself a note and remember your phone charger! You will want to text and talk after the baby comes. :) Also, do you have an iPod? you better bring that. I know someone else said camera.. let me tell you, as a mother of five, those first days you can NOT take too many pictures. They grow up WAY too fast. That beautiful just born smell, and those precious moments really need to be in lots and lots of pictures!!
eye mask, ear plugs and 2 feather pillows. must haves. every minute of sleep in the hospital is priceless.
pillows,blow dryer, warm blanket for baby and outfits for baby, slippers,
hospitals are always cold! My first son i had a cute outfit for myself to go home in the 2nd time around cute pj's. oh a nursing bra and boppy if you plan on nursing.
Flip Flops to wear in the shower/bathroom (so you can disinfect them later)
Ipod, hair ties, a birth ball to labor on.
Ditto on bringing your own pillow, I'm weird about those kinds of things.
I bleed a ton so I wouldn't recommend bringing your own jammies or gowns. I took them for both of my girls' births but never wore them.
Comfy clothes for going home.
Oh and get the book "The Mommy Journal: Letters to your Child" perfect for starting off your first day of memories with your little guy.
Good Luck!
Boppy, lotion and a luxurious chapstick.
I loved the hospital so much... It's just such an amazing time, meeting your baby!!!
Can't wait!
your toothbrush, toothpaste and a soft robe! Love you
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