I haven't had much to blog about, nothing much going on...just getting the shop back up and working on that. I have been so overwhelmed with how much we have to do before the baby gets here. I haven't bought one thing (other than he already has more clothes than boyfriend and I combined) but I mean I haven't bought anything as far as crib, stroller, fabric for the bedding my mom is going to be making, ect... (although, I do have most of it picked out). When I think about only having 3 months to get it all done I cant believe how fast time passes.
The girls look sooo cute in their outfits!! I can't believe you only have 3 months left, it goes by so fast! Before you know it, he will be here!!
LOVE this picture!
Aw! The are like you two in you profile pic! SO SO SO adorable!
hey chica...I need you to email me your address so I can send you stuff....I don't seem to have it anywhere. i love you!!!!
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