It is a cold, cruel world out there...why should we face it with out Snuggies (and that book light that comes free/just pay shipping and handling)? We might look like monks, but we don't have to act like them...
I told boyfriend that I wanted matching Snuggies for Valentine's...he wasn't feeling it.
Not much going on (obviously).
Wait. This is priceless.
no thank you...I'll turn up the heater.
love the part of the commercial where they're at the ball game.
if you tell me what colors you like, I will make you both a toasty afghan.....I'm just saying.
Ew gross...
Dont forget about the slanket! http://www.theslanket.com/ haha :)
Dying over this one....aren't they buy one get one free? :)
love it sister!!!
we might look like monks but we don't have to act like it??? you kill me.ps: when does dance flick come out...?
I love these! You can even leave your arms out to stroke your pets.
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