Is this really MY body? Thats what I ask myself every time I look in the mirror. This last week my belly has really popped out. At 25 weeks, flopping around in bed I cant believe Im going to get 10 times bigger than this. Night time is the only time it really bothers me, I just cant get comfy, but then mister kicks me and I know it really is worth it.
what a cute belly!
so happy your finally showing.
We have twin bellies...except I'm 10 weeks behind you! ha! You are so cute! Lucky!
girl, that's nothin'! You look so cute!
im so happy for you ann! so cute and the best is yet to come!! :)
Oh I love that Mister is growing---it make's all the prego changes soo worth it!!! You really look fantastic--!!! Does the little guy have a name yet???
cute belly pic ann! what an exciting time for you and your hubby, i'm glad to see that all is going well! :)
The never-nude makes a racey appearance. LOVE it! So cute!
I'm rolling about the never-nude comment...where are your cut-offs?
and by the way you look great...
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