Friday, April 03, 2009



However, I did get asked if I was having them at church on Sunday. Nice.

You're growing so big and strong. Me, Im just growing big...not so much the strong part.

And, yes...I obviously only have one belt that still fits me.

31 weeks on Monday.


Cammi said...

At least it's a super cute belt!

Jewels said...

My sister-in-law asked me if I was having twins when I was pregnant with Cole. My SISTER-IN-LAW. I still think you look smashing. And I smell a girls night coming on...

becky said...

i think you have got to be the cutest pregnant girl i've ever seen!

good luck these last few weeks!

Amber P said...

You look great! And BTW was it a CRAZY person that asked you that?! Ann I don't know what it is but people say the strangest things to you! Miss you so much!

sarah marie. said...

i wish i were as big as you.

Christmas Queen said...

You are going to have to show me alot more than THAT TUMMY! 31 weeks come on get bigger for your mom and I to get serious. By the way I'm a helper...wanted or not!As my client said "If she wants you"

Erin said...

My belly looks just like that...but I'm 22 weeks and my arms and legs are tree trunks, not twigs like yours.

It's getting close!