Its so good to have my Mom here...we are quite the pair. Her, with her broken foot that she just had surgery on and me all big and pregnant like. We went to a ton of fabric stores and I got SUCH cute fabric for Misters nursery. It was just what I needed to get excited about things again. Sorry I keep b$@*%ing about the nursery. Im trying to have a better attitude. The bottom photo of me looking like I am about to deliver my 4 week over due triplets is for my sweet Auntie Lane...and you can kind of see how far boyfriend has come on the "shed" (it's a garage if you ask me) I will post some photos of the sun blocking beast when it gets a little closer to finished (sorry about the propane tank and bar-b-q in the back ground...what is more trashy than a pregnant lady posing by a bar-b-q?). Im trying to talk my man into painting the shed purple...thats the color of the front door and some of the trim on our house. I want to basically do it in the opposite colors of the house. So, purple with green trim...but he's not feeling me so much. I guess we will see.
oh you are so cute and I'm glad your mama is there! Nothing quite like that...I can't wait to see how fancy mister's nursery will be!
Adam, you totally need to go with your wife on this one. It was be awesome. Can't wait to hang out on Friday. We're doing the pyramid again.
So lucky to have your mom with you!!!!!
so glad you're feeling better and i love the idea of the shed in purple..
i can't wait to see what you and your mom cook up for your little mister... i'm sure it will be amazing!
I love that pregnant look. It warms my soul! Baby boy or is that 'another cheap old boy'. I saw the master plan for the house remodel on Adam's site....Now I see. Great plan, it WILL be worth it. Please go on my site to see Thomas and Jessica. love aunt lane(if I'm invited)
From now on I am commenting on EVERY post...you asked for it! Regarding our conversation about an un-named product as seen on tv....I'm placing an order. Do you want blue, green, or burgundy?
You look super cute!
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