I did these little dresses for my lady friends for their Easter dresses...I think they turned out pretty cute. The flowers attached to the tags are their hair-do-dads (thats what my mom always called them) Sorry the photos are so bad, I took them in my closet.
I also decided that its a really good thing that Im having a boy...I wanted to attach felt flowers to their shoes, socks, and anything else I could think of. It really would be dippy, I cant help it...I would be one of those ladies.
Those felt flowers are so great!
freak out sister.... tdf.
your too good to us.
see you tonight.
Every year until I was probably about a teenager my grandmother would buy us a new Easter dress. It was always SO AWESOME! The two you made are the absolutely cutest ever! I love you
We want one too! So cute!
You can still do boy things (believe me I've been thinking about the lack of cute boy stuff). How about little beanies?
seriously the cutest things ever!
I'd look the bomb in one!
Oh, I just got your email! I'm so excited, there too many wonderful things to choose from! I will email you with questions and to see if you have any personal reccomendations. You just made my night!
I just sent you two identical emails thinking the first didn't send (jeez Stalker Susan). Yes, I'm that obsessed.
These are maybe the cutest things ever! Love them...I had to try and whip-up a lou-and-lee flower for Stella (I didn't order in time and knew I wouldn't see you before our vacation)
It of course looks nothing like yours...I really don't know how you cut those things out! I'll need to get Stella some for spring!
hey how about more pictures of the room additon and a little further back so we get the big picture and layout. projects ar fun...GET SEAN OVER THERE TO HELP..HE IS DOING NOTHING
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