Some of our baby boy's items are piled in boxes and shoved in the corner...why you ask?

Because this is what his Nursery currently looks like. Do you like what I have done with the place? I thought the tire was the perfect finishing touch. Unfortunately, our neighbor called the city on us and we may or may not have had a permit at the time. Boyfriend keeps informing me that it will be done in time. Im beginning to get a little concerned. I have ordered most of the items for the nursery...but Im running out of corners to put things in.

It will all work out...I hope. My Mom is going to come out in the next little while and help me get organized and pick out some finishing touches for the bedding. Cant wait for that.
Mister gets stronger everyday and I love his kicks. Mysterious things are happening to my body. We haven't picked a name yet...we are having a really hard time. We have one we really like but its such a huge thing to name a baby.
I think you'll be fine. Im sure your husband will get it done in time too. I can imagine what you are going through at the moment. im not that far a long yet and i am so freaked out about what will happen when she/he arrives. and boy names are hard to pick and i agree its a hard decision to make naming your child. you gotta make sure it sounds good and that they will not be made fun of at school because it sounds funny. im sure the nursery will look divine once its done! good luck!
Wish we could be there to help out! I can see it finished already and it is beautiful!
what a lame neighbor! Lets see the belly!
love all his stuff and love the tire. your neighbors told on you?! gay.
i love that little guy so much sister.
Richard has already got such the fancy little wardrobe! And I am on my way over to egg your ridiculous neighbors. In the immortal words of Stephanie Tanner..."How RUDE."
I panicked and had our nursery ready by the 6th month of pregnancy, only to realize that we almost NEVER spent any time in there other than picking out his clothes for the day. The majority of the time we were in our bedroom. Don't worry! Things ALWAYS have a way of working themselves out!
And the names! UGH! I feel ya! We had to pick TWO boy names. Hardest choice EVER! Both of them were finalized ON the day of their birth. And Elliot and Oliver it was ;) I'm glad we took our time. I thought it would never come to us but I'm so pleased with the names we picked. Good luck to you. This is such an exciting time! I remember it so well. Tomorrow is my oldest son's 3rd birthday so that and your post made me feel so sentimental!
Oh mister is a fancy man already! Love all the goodies...
And the room will totally work out...I can't believe your lame neighbors told on you...
And you will also pick the perfect name so don't always get everything together perfectly and little mister is no exception!
Your mom and Aunt Sue made me the cutest basket for Jake to sleep in--hope you get one too! Hint, Hint, Mary!!!
This is too exciting, wish Grandma/pa DeWitt could see all these wonderful great-grand babies!!!
i must know what your burberry item is? Is that a blanket? I must know where you got that! Also will you be making more boy things for your etsy shop? I currently have two boys and I am always on the look out for cute things!
I'm sure your new special book will help with the choosing!
I randomly came across your will be need a car seat and a breast and/or formula depending on your husband and I moved into a hotel two weeks prior to our daughters debut. She was delivered by a doctor that I had met once and we lived in a hotel for four months until our house was will be fine. Trust, trust, trust....and get a great car seat!....and a Moses basket...I could not have lived with out mine.
My best, Allison~
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