Magic is happening at the house...things are moving along. Next up...bathrooms, my tile is in and ready to lay. Photos to come. By the way who wants to start a bunco group? I'm serious...Amy and I want to get one going...anyone is invited, even if we don't know you. We think it would be so fun to get to know people...and I have some very delightful prizes in mind!
Hi Ann~ Would love to join your bunco group! Can we do it via the internet? HA...Maybe we are on to something!
love the wallpaper!!! I am so excited to see more post on the house! I am just loving them! We are back from Hawaii and I am happy to say I survived to 5 hour flights! WHOOO HOOO! You have to try Kava Gold...You can get it at the natural food store! It seriously helps with the anxiety and makes you feel less scared and nervous! It isn't a cure but it helps a little! :) :)
Have a great week!
I love the wallpaper...it's so fancy, so you! 143
Your house is looking fancy!!!!...Lucky you that are going to be able to enjoy it!...someday when I move back to Utah (soon, please, soon) I will enjoy mine to..., talking about that..., I'm all in for the BUNCO thing!!!..maybe when I move back and you guys are all pros at the game I can join...It would be fun!
please don't start bunco without me! and i'm dying at that wallpaper. i don't know what a murphy bed is but i'm sure it's nice.
I'm seriously curious about bunco?
What is the craze all about?
I'd love to know when you are having a bunco get together and meet new people!
Please email me.
Ann I love that wallpaper! It looks great with the trim! That 50 looks like fun too! Ashley would love to have one of those!! :)
I'm in for the bunco obviously...let's talk. Also, that wallpaper is my FAVORITE! I really, really love it and can't wait to see it in person!
i'm in! I love the wallpaper too!
You have seriously made me want to do so much work on my house! I also don't know what Bunco is, but I'm willing to try it - who doesn't love prizes? Send me an email and let me know the details!
Hi Ann, you don't really know me, but I'm Sarah's friend Lori. I love the looks of your new house and I'm hoping you will have a house warming party (and invite me) when it's all finished.
My husband would kill for that 50, he used to have one, and talks about it non-stop.
I'm also in for bunco... That is, if you want to get beat every time!
Hope you don't mind me commenting here. I'm a friend of a friend of a friend. I love how unique your house is, so BEAUTIFUL! I live in Orem so if you need an extra bunco person I'm in. zanny06@hotmail.com
That wallpaper is gorgeous. When Pookie gets older, are we going to tell her potty training was posted on the internet?
Ok. Just let me know when it begins. Hopefully it's not too hard core to where it won't be a big deal if I'm not around for a bit when I have my baby. (I hear people really get into bunco so maybe it's not cool :) )
Is bunco a Utah thing? Because I've never heard about it until I moved back to Utah last year. I honestly don't know one thing about it other than it has perked my curiosity since everyone so into it...?
P.S. Love the wallpaper! I just ordered some fabric just like it. If you are looking for any fabric to match (you probably know), but I found it on www.fabric.com for a decent price.
Hi Ann
You don't know me.. I'm Amy Dover's friend from highschool- and I'm a twin too! I love all the things you are doing to your house and I just had to comment. Jocelyn
sister, i am your 16th comment... you are blowing up over here!!!
love the wall paper and i am so excited about bunko!!!!!
remember when you boycotted the blog because no one ever commented? well just look at you now! the house is looking fancy as can be I can't wait to see it!
Ann- Wow! all your comments make me feel bad about my blog! Love all your wallpaper...is it Osborne & Little? So cute...pretty, pretty is a better word.
I am seriously laughing at your last post--EVERY TIME I read the label about scooters I think the same thing...why scooters? Perhaps I am missing out on something? Anyway, I love that wallpaper, it is so lovely...I have a pillow that matches it almost perfectly! So neat. If you girls need another bunko person I am totally in!
20 comments?..sheesh!
whesh...maybe I should make this a record on comments made. again, I'm a stranger to you, but your sister is going to take pictures for me, so excited! Your house looks like so much fun and you've got a great sense of style! Love it! If you ever need a bunco buddy, I'm your gal! Just let me know!
Hey Ann, I saw these and thought they would go wonderfully with your damask wallpaper. http://www.nantucketlily.com/dalavo.html and http://www.thisnext.com/item/B2F9D98A/Damask-Candle-Set-clock-and
Sorry those got cut off.
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