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O.K., so this is more of a doodle than a "painting"(although its huge!) I have been enjoying this warm weather so I wanted to do something light and fresh. I haven't painted in awhile, too much felting. It has been such a busy week with the house, everything seems to happen at once...which is a good thing and a bad thing. I'm trying to decide on a tile for the back splash in my kitchen...any ideas? My granite is a kind of cream with purple amethyst clusters through it. (I love it) Anyway, if you have seen a tile or something that you loved let me know. That crappy photo at the top is it. (it doesn't do it justice) Hope every ones week is going well...I'm off to watch Lost! I love you Sawyer...
ummm, by the way, is anyone else curious why when they give examples of labels for your posts, they give...vacation, fall, SCOOTERS??? I'm baffled, who in the world has a whole portion of their lives dedicated to scooters and posts about it enough to actually have a whole category in which they repeatedly have photos and whatnots to post about there scooters...Am I confused?
Man, the more I read your blog, the funnier I think you are. I can't agree more with the "Scooters" category, I was just thinking about that yesterday. I loved that you labeled that post "SCOOTERS"...
Also, I thought the photo of the granite was a slice of cheese. But that will be an awesome color for your kitchen. Great choice. As for the back splash, I have really been liking sea foam or milk glass green tile. I wonder if that would look good?
milk glass green jadeite? that would look good!
I love that cute painting.
I am dying to see your house I can't wait to see it all done! How much longer?
sister that painting is so great... right up my ally. perhaps i could hang it in my studio???!!!
love the granite.
i think you should go like a bright yellow green color for your tile. like chartreuse. and how good was lost last night?! also..i just may take you up on the painting offer.
Love the granite...gorgeous...also love the painting.
I'm totally dying that you labeled your post "Scooters" - you seriously kill me! That is really weird though...who would have such lengthy, multiple posts about scooters???
And by the way...LOST was awesome.
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