Being home always makes me moondoggy! I love coming home and spending time with my family. I always feel so that the word?... its just a feeling I get the second I walk into my house. Anyway, I wanted to post some of my favorite photos of my cute family. Just what you are dying to see I'm sure. I'm home because my brother Mark and his wife Erin are having my darling niece Marlo blessed, so I will be posting some photos from that day I'm sure, and you can see the rest of my family (also what you are dying to see) My mom is making her blessing dress and It is the most darling thing I have ever seen...I'm going to make her some fancy booties. Anyway, didn't have much to blog about, I just cant tell you how happy I am to be here with my family and thought I would do a little post about it. cute were my mom and dad on their wedding day? This is my Daddy when he was a little boy...he told everyone his name was "Bill"...he wanted to be a cowboy so bad. This is my mom...shes was (is) quite the bombshell...seriously. Click on this one and have a better look! Granny looking like a playboy bunny...still does. Oh, my sweet Grandpa...One of the great loves of my life. I get choked up even thinking about him...what a handsome devil. At a stake dance my Grandma saw him and stuck her leg out and tripped him...thats how they met. He was too cute for words. I hope everyone has a good weekend...
I don't really know why I love this chair so much?! I didn't have to do much to it...just paint, the upholstery was PERFECT, not a spot. Anyway, it turned out pretty cute I think. Sorry...I was too lazy to go back and flip this its hard or something.
I bought this little end table the same day as my chair, I painted it a few days ago but had to let it dry to put the handles on, I wasn't in love with this when I bought it but thought it might have some potential, I really like the way it turned out...not sure where I'm going to put it...maybe in the downstairs bathroom (it matches the wallpaper perfect) and put towels and other bathroom whatnots ...or maybe upstairs in the living room...Anyway, that's enough of that. The below photo is the downstairs bathroom. We put down some of the tile last night. Its going to have subway tile a little ways up the walls. I really like it.
So, I leave for home tomorrow and cant wait...except we are driving...10 HOURS, not looking forward to that.
While searching for a delicious homemade peep recipe (which I found on I came across the above photo that for some reason made me die. This is the stuff that dreams are made of for me...I love myself some Peeps and I have a serious reoccurring dream that I smoke ciggies (which I think is a disgusting habit) and in my dream it is do luxurious and it feels so soothing...I know this is not the case...But I cant help the wild escapades of my mind in the night. I picked this mirror up at the thrift store last night (along with the most darling chair I'm painting)...It was pretty dang ugly but I knew it was nothing a good coat of paint wouldn't fix. I think I will put it in my downstairs bathroom. ...and, more booties. I know you probably want to punch your computer screen because I put more booties on it. This will be the last for a while...I just loved the animal print felt!
I'm going to go work at the house, we are trying to get the dang thing done already...enough is enough! I will post photos of the cute chair I got at the thrift store after I'm done painting it...hopefully it will turn out.
I don't really have anything to blog about so I thought I would blog a smorgasbord of items...These are a few pairs of booties that I have done recently, the 2 girl pairs are for sisters baby and the frogs are for my friend Julia's baby boy (surprise!)...I think I'm starting to get the hang of the booties. They really are so fun to make. I thought I would post a photo of the sink I got in Mexico...this is for the upstairs bathroom. (the one with the turquoise tile)...I love this and it really looks amazing with the tile...cant wait! My new sneaks...I have taken to wearing flats for some reason...I use to not ever wear them, I personally feel 10 lbs fatter in them. (how crazy am I?)...But I'm over it, and loving my new white sneaks, I have been wearing them up a storm!!!
That's about it...I am however going home on Friday and I couldn't be happier about it. Cant wait to get there, I have been a little down in the dumps about my living situation...we are so close to being in our house, I just want to MOVE IN ALREADY!!!
I'm back from our trip to Moab...It turned out to be pretty fun. This top photo is Adam and Jim getting ready to go down a big hill. (I was not big into driving over the rocks.)
Me, Cody & Cache, Adam and Jim at the camp grounds where some of our friends stayed. It was so beautiful here, I think it was called double arches. I was wishing Amy had come along, she would have taken some amazing photos! These are 2 DIPPY photos of Adam and I. That's me hunkered over and holding on to Adam for dear life. (You cant see that we are pretty high up)
He's so proud...look at his face. Cute Heather and Jim...they drove up with us, and we had so much fun with them. That is me in the passenger seat with my head down having a freak out...This was a really steep rock, I was very proud of myself for staying in the car. We would get half way up and just slide down, I hated it but was glad I did it. This is me roasting a Peep...I highly recommend this and it was the highlight of my trip. Crispy on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside! Everyone thought I was a freak for this move, but that didn't stop me...It was also a delight in a s'more
Anyway, we had a lot of fun this weekend. I'm not really into stuff like this so we stayed in a hotel instead of camping which made it nice. The weather was really crappy the first day and a half but got really beautiful the rest of the time. I had big plans for a golden suntan...didn't happen. I hope every ones weekend was good!
When I was getting ready this morning the only thing I could think was...what the hell is Mick Jagger doing in my mirror. Its crazy how all of the sudden you realize your not going to be 18 forever. I'm stuck at 21, I think I will always feel that way. Anyway, Amy came down today and we went to lunch with Jen. It was so fun and so cute to see Estee and Blake together. I'm going to Moab tomorrow for a couple of days with Adam and some of our friends...I wasn't looking forward to it but I'm excited now, just to get away. That, and it will give me something to blog about.
...And I wanted to wish my brother Mark a very happy 30th birthday today!!!(the 23rd) I love you Mark!.
These are just a few items i made this weekend...The top one is a little dolly for my Pookie, it turned out pretty cute, you cant tell in the junkie photo but she has little shoes with buttons, button eyes a little button on her bow and she is all hand sewn. She was fun to make. I got a bag of OLD buttons at an Antique store a long time ago and thought I would put them to good use. The other item is a receipt holder. I have receipts all over my purse and in my big wallet and they are NOT I made this so I always know where they are. It has already come in handy for me. Anyway, I haven't really had anything to blog about so I thought I would put these on, boring, I know...but a lame post is better than no post at all.
Friday night Heather had a little get together for Jimmy for his 30Th birthday. It was so fun and she always has such yummy food and everything looking so darling. I don't know where our friend Julia is hiding in these photos...but her and her husband Cody were there, Amy and Chris and Adam and me. Such a fun time...Adam and I haven't been doing a lot lately because all of our free time is spent working on the house. Jimmy and Adam...BFFs
These are from is now 12:46 as I post this and we JUST got home. We went to the house at 8:30 this morning and we didn't leave once. We worked on the tile in the upstairs bathroom and it is looking very cute. (the white things on the tile are the spacers) I will take more photos when its done...its so close but I couldn't do it a second longer so we finally left. The counter of the vanity in there is going to be a deep purple color and I bought a sink when I was in Mexico that is hand painted and one of my favorite things ever...I will have to post some photos of it. Adam loved me when he had to carry that one on the plane ride home. These are of the downstairs bathroom that leads into my closet. I LOVE this wallpaper and I think it looks really cute with the green. the paint stops 1/2 way because we are doing subway tiles up part or the wall and black and white octagon on the floor. I cant wait for it to all be done. Its getting so exciting finally looks like my home. I love that every little thing is US, our hard work and choices. I don't think I will ever want to leave.
My very favorite plates! These are Mikasa stone wear and they are so bright and these.
those flowers on the bottom are actually really cute..I'm thinking in Estee's big girl room. these are the 3 sets i got today, love the one on the left. The ones on the right, I thought were just the strawberries. And the bottom ones are like a milk glass with holly, real cute. have you ever??? I haven't. They're ornaments. I had to have these salt and pepper shakers. These canisters aren't in great condition, but I loved them anyway.
It may not look like much to most people but I had such a delightful day thrift shopping. I'm so happy with my purchases...and this isn't even all of it. I forgot to take a photo of another set of salt and pepper shakers, a really cute bowl set I got and 2 rolls of a darling vintage wallpaper, very cute.
O.K., so this is more of a doodle than a "painting"(although its huge!) I have been enjoying this warm weather so I wanted to do something light and fresh. I haven't painted in awhile, too much felting. It has been such a busy week with the house, everything seems to happen at once...which is a good thing and a bad thing. I'm trying to decide on a tile for the back splash in my kitchen...any ideas? My granite is a kind of cream with purple amethyst clusters through it. (I love it) Anyway, if you have seen a tile or something that you loved let me know. That crappy photo at the top is it. (it doesn't do it justice) Hope every ones week is going well...I'm off to watch Lost! I love you Sawyer...
ummm, by the way, is anyone else curious why when they give examples of labels for your posts, they give...vacation, fall, SCOOTERS??? I'm baffled, who in the world has a whole portion of their lives dedicated to scooters and posts about it enough to actually have a whole category in which they repeatedly have photos and whatnots to post about there scooters...Am I confused?
Nothing too exciting...from a small town in California called Yuba City. I have a twin sister and two older brothers. Im obsessed with my nieces and nephews...and my handsome hubby, Boyfriend him, and of course my sweet Mister, baby Jude.