Friday, August 11, 2006


For all of you hecklers...(especially you Mark) I am changing my font! No photos today...In all honesty I cant imagine when I will ever take a photo again. Things are like groundhogs day, in the sense that I go to work and come home...Every day ( and maybe the fact that my camera battery is dead might have something to do with it)! Anyway, Adam is working hard to get the house done because they raised our rent at the place we are at by almost $200.00 a month. (for those of you who are in California that's the equivalent of about $600.00 a month to you) So, we are trying to get things done A.S.A.P. Sarah came over tonight with a scrapbook full of photos from freshman year, it was so funny. We were dying at some of the photos, that was such a fun and carefree time. All and all, life is very good...Im very happy. I do however miss my family painfully & I have a perfect little niece that might be the cutest thing ever that I haven't even met yet. That's all for now...Maybe I will charge up the camera battery tonight ( if I can figure out how) and shoot some glamour shots of Adam tomorrow! 143

1 comment:

Erin said...

We miss you too! You guys are welcome anytime, the sooner the better!