An exhibit at the insect & reptile museum...No...Its my patio. And there is a giant, man eating black widow the size of Texas just hanging out there like she owns the joint. Well, she doesn't... and Im not quite sure what do with her...My Mom suggested spraying her with windex and waiting until she curls up and falls off her web and then beating the love of god out of her. I don't think Im quite up for that so I guess she will stay for now and I will affectionately refer to her as Charlotte. I was out B-B-Qing it up and I looked over and there she was with a spatula in her hands telling me to flip the chicken. Needless to say Adam was very non-responsive to my ranting.
That really is a Black Widow---KILL IT!!!!! any way you must...don't let it live...I HATE them.
You have GOT to kill that thing. I saw a beetle in the closet the other day and rather than scream I said out loud, "Oh, HELL no!!!" then I sprayed it to death and left it for Mark to pick up. Anyway, kill that sucker. My Gramma Helen was bitten by a brown recluse and now all spiders must DIE.
I'm with Erin...KILL, KILL, KILL...
I am laughing so hard right now! That is so scary Ann you need to kill it and I want an update after you do!
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