Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Champ!

I just have to brag a little...This weekend my dad was in his country club championship and....he won! Isn't that awsome...?And right before he has to go back to school on Monday, way to end the summer! I love him so much and I'm so proud of him.


Anonymous said...

all the tips I have given him have paid off

Mary said...

I'm so proud of him!
I was thinking the win was due to the many mental relaxation tips I have taught him through the years...

Leah said...

Ann! Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm so excited to check yours out on a daily, or bi-daily basis. I can't believe you came to lunch group when I wasn't there, rude.

Jen said...

Wow great job Wally! That is amazing!

Amy said...

hey mark thats cool you comment on anns blog and not mine... talk about RUDE! congrats to daddy... he is awsome!

Mary said...

He is so's pretty darn cute.