Look at Honeyman sitting up like a big boy. Can you even believe how fast he is growing?!

And...My Mom was reading things she had written from my baby book today and we were talking about how I need to write things down. (Amy got me a beautiful vintage baby book when Jude was born but it is more of an album than a journal) I picked this up today and have to say run, don't walk to get it if you have a little one. The art is beautiful and it has the perfect sections to write in. Im so happy I found it. For the locals: I got mine at Soel Boutique and they had a few more...go get one, so darling.

And...here is my teenager eating rice cereal. He didn't know what to think. He pretty much looked at me like I was a crazy lady.
sitting up?!
He is so cute looking at that rice cereal!! Love it!
look how big!
i cant handle it.
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