A Lou and Lee giveaway...
all these giveaways are making me jaylis, so here is mine.

Leave a comment and Mister Jude will pick the winner out of a hat (just kidding). You get to choose any headband your heart desires. We will see how it goes...maybe Ill do 2. It is my gift to you. And...check out sisters blog tomorrow, she has a BOMB giveaway, I really want it. And did you see she is a supermodel? She so pretty.
I Love your site! I love, love, love your darling headbands - I have 2 girls & would L.O.V.E to have a headband (I actually sent your a message last week on etsy to get one ordered, haven't done it yet...)
I love all your adorable headbands! I have 2 little girls and know they would look fab in one:)
yes please.
giveaways are fun! huh?!
sure love your creations!
Your headbands are so beautiful :)
Baby Girl #3 is due any day. I definitely need to start stocking up on these!
me and all my sisters love your headbands!i would love to win!
I would absolutely love a headband!
I have two of your headbands already and would love another Lou and Lee piece!
yes pah-lease! your stuff is major.
I adore your headbands! I just had a baby girl and have been pining over your cute etsy hairbands to adorn her... and me.
I'd love to win a headband but how hard would it be to choose just one! All so beautiful.
Baby Lola and I love your headbands!! We would be thrilled to win!!!
I don't know you but I love what you do! I would love a headband for my baby girl.
you could pick me and i wouldnt hate it.
I just ordered one of your headbands for my little baby and it is adorable. I had my little Makayla about the same time you had your little one. Your love for him reminds me of my love for her. Congrats! Being a mom is the best job in the entire world!!
count me in! i never win anything, but i'm feeling a teensy bit lucky today.
please pick me! your head bands are my favorite!
I LOVE your headbands! I want one of everything that you do. Your blog is SO darling and I love your decorating style! Keeping my fingers crossed...
I bought a headband for my little girl just after she was born and I have loved it, and get compliments on it ALL the time. It even made it into my personal music video, my baby really rocks it. http://merryparrys.blogspot.com/2008/10/tribute-my-wife-gave-me-on-our-glorious.html
So yes please can I win... maybe.
I've been trying to decide whether or not to buy a headband. They are so cute... but kinda over my budget. I soooo hope I win!
My sister Leah has been telling me about who much she's loved hanging out with you and Amy. Maybe I'll get to meet you guys sometime when I go to visit her.
Jude is adorable.
YAHOOOO!!! Hook a baby up :)
Yes please! We still love the headband I ordered awhile back- we'd love another!
Awesome, my little monkey would look fabulous in one of your headbands!
i've been coveting your headbands for some time now! and i think you and your sister are the absolute cutest ever! {and you have great style!}
I love it! Count me in.
oh i would love one of your adorable headbands. you are amazing!
Your headbands are adorable...and I want one! Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway. I never win...but this might just be my lucky day.
i've attempted to make ones like yours.. I fail.
my girl would look the bomb in one of your headbands. i just love all of them, how can you pick just one?
oh yes! I was just eyeing your red bow headband on etsy yesterday.
My fingers are crossed!!! I'd love to give it to my closest friend who has a 6 month old daughter.
i would look so hot wearing one of your headbands to church...
count me in. i've got 3 little women in my house ... so it would get well used;)
Oh how I LOVE your headbands!!!! I'm due to have my first baby girl in 2 weeks and would LOVEEEEE to have one for her!
I just had a little girl (6 weeks tomorrow) and she will give them a good home. Pick her mister.
Pick me! Pick me! I have been drooling over your red sequin bow...
ok. i better win this one!
I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and feeling big and unattractive - maybe a pretty little lou and lee number would have me feeling cheery again?!!
I so need a pick-me-up like this...come on, come on! Love your work!
So cute! I love these darling little gems!
Love them all!
Love your headbands!! ~Malissa
I just have to try, despite the fact that I have never won a contest, BECAUSE when I was putting my precious 3 year old to bed, she wouldn't let me take the rubber band off her forehead that she was wearing as a headband, and I IMMEDIATELY thought "I have got to go to Lou and Lee tonight and order her a headband!" Really, that just happened!
And, in case no one told you today, Jude is one of the most Presh baby boys I've ever seen...you're so blessed!
Amy DOES look great in her shade photos. I think your etsy shop is awesome!
Zoe and I love your headbands! She just turned a year old and has 6 of your headbands already. (I ordered a few right before you closed shop to have Jude!)
i would go bananas to win! pretty please!!
the hard part would be whether to pick one for me or my daughter.... yikes!
Just beautiful! You are so creative and your work is stunning!
what a great idea! truth be told, my sister and i love looking at your etsy shop. i wanted to order her a headband for her bday gift back in June, but you were closed during that time... maybe Christmas! :) btw - not sure if you want to give away your secret, but do you use a die cut
-- Jennifer, jjcahoon.wordpress.com
want one!
ooooo-totally want
looove your headbands. The new ones that you posted on your etsy site for halloween are darling.
Pick me!! I love your blog and your super cute headbands!!
ok 54 comments.
I seriously love your stuff..I alaways worry I I wouldn't be able to pull it off though. ps. your baby is so adorable.
how generous! thanks for sharing your talent!
I am due with baby girl number 3 any day now! this would be a fun win..
Oh PUH-LEASE pick me! Your headbands are oh-so-darling!
I think I might possibly die if I win! I love,love, love your headbands but my college budget just won't allow it. Sad :( I hope I win!
Ehem... I'd like THAT one in my collection too. Considering that my 2 girls are fighting over the ones I have - we could definitely settle with this one :)
Love you. XO. And your headbands. Got the others today too. :) LOVE the red ones. All , but red rock.
meaning "LOVE ALL, but red rocks the MOST" :)
I want your headbands for my 2 girlies - P-LEASE!
I love your blog--been reading it for a few years now. Your little boy is adorable! Hope I win one of your headbands for my new little lady.
Yay! They are SO adorable! :)
Me! Me! Me! Pick me!
Ooooohhhh eeeeee.... Pick me please. Your stuff is beautiful!
LOVE your blog.. and your sisters. I gain so much inspiration from both of your great styles!!
Oh I love your pretties!!! I would love another one!!
Love your blog, your awesome headbands, and your sweet little baby boy, Jude. :)
me me me! i love your headbands. i make headbands too but with fabric not nylon and i love your cute headbands so much. yours are cuter anyways!
Your headbands are so adorable.
I just love them all.
& I have a mega bald baby girl, that needs something to decorate her head.
i want one!
If I stretch it out really far.....maybe I can make it fit my giant head. or to play it safe I'll give it to my little one...
you are so talented!
My Lou & Lee headband needs a sister! Pick me Jude!!! :)
pick us baby Jude! :)
Ann-you already know how much I love your headbands! My minty one came today and hasn't left my head since! Went back for the little vampiress one and it was gone!
o wahoo i would love one for my daughter.
I want this SO bad! You are so talented and sp creative! I LOVE your work!!! I hope I win!!!
I LOVE your headbands they are the best!!!! None compare!
yes, please! myself and my daughter would love to have one!
My little girl, Evelyn, would LOVE one!! :) Thank you for doing this giveaway, just stumbled upon your etsy shop and blog. Fabulous headbands!
You don't know me, but I absolutely LOVE your headbands (and onesies). You are extremely talented!
Oh my this makes my day!!! My family is full of boys except for my neice (who we so kindly refer to as Princess) and she would look so amazing in one of our creations!!!!
Aww my nieces woud look soo cute in those headbands, I LOVE these adorable headbands! Hope I win!! Crossing my fingers YAY!
i've totally been eyeing the headbands in your shop for awhile now. such cute stuff! thanks for a great giveaway!
Your headbands are amazing, I would love to win one. By the way, your Mister Jude...cutest baby ever!
Would love one!!!
love the headbands--would love to win one! also love the blog--my little boy is a few weeks younger than yours, so it's fun reading a fellow mama's adventures.
Your headbands are fab! I use them in my hair and sometimes as a choker, depending upon my outfit...I can't live without them they are chic and a fashion MUST!
Love your site, love your headbands, ans love your adorable baby! So excited to try to win!
pick me!
Por favor. I'd like one :) p.s. Jude is so cute.
Oh, yay! Count me in! I adore your headbands!!! Thanks!
last but not least.....:)
I love your blog! And your headbands are to die for!
Jude! Jude! Over here! Pick me, Jude!
I'd die for one! Fingers crossed!
I would LOVE one of your headbands! I've been wanting to order one for a while now - in fact, I was thinking about it this morning... again! I hope sweet baby Jude picks me!! He's adorable and I LOVE his cloths - aren't stylish little boy cloths so hard to find?
I die.....my little miss would look bananas in any of your headbands....... I think her & mister are only a day or two apart? You blog & shop are the bomb! Pick meeeeeeeeee!
Count me in! I love your headbands! I also love your little Mister. He is little younger than my baby boy and it's fun to see them grow. Actually, I keep thinking that Jude is advanced! And he was smiling so early! I was a little jelly. hehe
I'm not opposed to a giveaway! Sign me up!!
Wow 101 comments...I'll give it a shot! Thanks for emailing me back that color of brown! Your headbands are to die for! LOVE THEM!
Pick me!!!! Jumping up and down with my hand raised high! Pick me!!!! Love all your stuff...
Kristie H.
Love this headband!! I may just have to wear it and not give it to my little one Stella, since everything goes to her anyway!
love it! I want one!
Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I am obsessed with all of your headbands.
oooh, i'm excited!! i LOVE your headbands a little too much. i never EVER win these things but maybe the 57th time's the charm?
Pick me Ann!!! My baby girl will be here anyday!!! Love all your new stuff!
i love what you're putting in the center of your clips these days. i've been following your blog for a while through amy's. love the new nursery too!
pick me, please!
i will rock that headband all over town!
You have an incredible talent. I just love your headbands...so beautiful...
Baby can't come soon enough- Love the headbands!
Love, love your headbands..... your one talented chick!:)
Wow, 114. That's pretty amazing! Moms of cute baby boys need beautiful headbands too.
I would be honored to win! Love your headbands.
Love them all!!!
I HEART your headbands!
i love them all. i hope i win!
love your adornments, blog, baby, and general stylings. toss my name in the chapeau please.
Please for the love, can I win? Just this once? I'll never ask for anything again. Ok, that's a lie, but I really really want to win.
you know I'm signing up! Pick me mister!
Love your site- so creative!
How exciting! My girls would LOVE one of your fabulous creations!! Keeping my fingers crossed! :)
Love your headbands! I have two little girls and love to spoil them with pretty things, but honestly - I want it for MYSELF!!!
So very cute! I adore these. My little girl would too.
I love your style and your headbands! Oh please pick me!
maybe one day i will own one of each!
Cuuute! I want one (two, three four)!
Love your blog, your fabulous ideas, your sweet little mister man and your beautiful creations! I'm a fan. ;o) -Cyndi
Mister Jude please pick me. My name is Lottie and I'm 4 months old. I think you're really cute!
I LOVE your headbands!!!!I hope I WIN!!!!
Pretty sure if I got one of these lovelies I'd keep it all for myself!
obsessed with your headbands. I would die if I won.
oooh la la, we'd be so honored to win!
Jude, pick me!!
These may be the cutest hair fancies I have ever seen. I got your blog through a friend and I am real happy about it!
My daughter Darcy LOVES everything you make! She is all the rage when she wears one of your creations to her middle school!!! Very fashion forward for an eigth grader!!!!!
So excited, I love your hedbands. Too cute!
Would absolutely love having another of your super sweet headbands.
really...your headbands are beautiful. thanks for the giveaway.
so SO lovely! I have a new baby niece that would look too perfect in these!
I love love love the headbands
Holy crap woman. Check out how popular you are. Maybe my daughter and I can be as popular as you if we were wearing one of your creations!
But, if I win, post that I wrote this:
"You're the bomb.net, and so are your hair items."
Oooooh my new baby needs a new headband...we have a few already from you...but a girl can never have too many!
who wouldn't want to win one of your beautiful headbands?!?!
hope i'm not too late!!
you are so creative! I LOVE your headbands!
I LOVE your headbands and would be thrilled to win!
Wow what an awesome giveaway, count me in, I am such a fan!!!
I'd love to have one of those headbands!
Love your headbands- so unique! I would love to win one, if not I will order one for my 3 year old daughter and I to share.
Pick me! Please!
hey ann! how are you? jude is seriously so darling, i love seeing you loving on your baby boy! and i'm crossing my fingers for a cute headband giveaway! happy birthday later this week!
Oh I love your headbands, I already have 3 for my daughter!
oh i just love love love your headbands!!
You make the most adorable headbands. I love them all.
Hmmm wich would I chooose...?
please and thank you :) i love your headbands & blog!
pick me. pick me.
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