I think he over worked himself this round! He had to take a break.
...and yes thats his changing pad. He loves nothing more than his changing table so I thought I would lay him under his gym on it...he was loving it so much he decided to take a nap.
i think he looks so much like you in the top photo... adorable
i had to start giving june formula when she was two weeks old.. at 3 weeks she was still below her birth weight (because she wasn't getting any milk from me-obviously) and from then on she had formula mixed with my milk. i would pump and get less than 2 ounces and that was after all the supplements. oatmeal would take me to just above 2 ounces, but duh.. obviously not enough for her to live on. once i accepted the fact that she would be getting mostly formula, and decided to be ok with it, i (and she) was able to enjoy feeding time more--hug her and kiss her while she ate-- good luck.
ps. june is the healthiest little girl.. has never been sick and only one fever in 15 months. sorry for the novel.
hey ann..i have meet you a few times and hope this isnt creepy that i posting something. i worked with sarah and lori at anthropologie and have helped you down there...anyway, i was posting something on loris blog and saw you said something about problems with getting your milk supply going. i have 3 kids and never could breast feed my first two...just didnt have enough so after each feeding did 2 ounces of formula. i was so sad, but my kids are super healthy and great..one is 6 and other is 3. now, i have a 5month old and really wanted to do everything to breast feed this time. i started taking bleased thistle and fenugrek (cant remember how to spell it...) and it totally worked!! i took just as directed on the bottles. its alot of pills a day, but took about 4-5 days and then after that i would take them just morning and then at night. i did it for about 10-14days and then my milk supply was up and running. wow...sorry for this longest post EVER but thought i would share my experience with you and wish you the best!! your little man is sooooo handsome, by the way! take care. Jenny
Nothing too exciting...from a small town in California called Yuba City. I have a twin sister and two older brothers. Im obsessed with my nieces and nephews...and my handsome hubby, Boyfriend Adam...love him, and of course my sweet Mister, baby Jude.
i think he looks so much like you in the top photo... adorable
i had to start giving june formula when she was two weeks old.. at 3 weeks she was still below her birth weight (because she wasn't getting any milk from me-obviously) and from then on she had formula mixed with my milk. i would pump and get less than 2 ounces and that was after all the supplements. oatmeal would take me to just above 2 ounces, but duh.. obviously not enough for her to live on. once i accepted the fact that she would be getting mostly formula, and decided to be ok with it, i (and she) was able to enjoy feeding time more--hug her and kiss her while she ate-- good luck.
ps. june is the healthiest little girl.. has never been sick and only one fever in 15 months. sorry for the novel.
love when they put their arms up like that.
rolling...he is to die for...little mister gettin fit.
hey ann..i have meet you a few times and hope this isnt creepy that i posting something. i worked with sarah and lori at anthropologie and have helped you down there...anyway, i was posting something on loris blog and saw you said something about problems with getting your milk supply going. i have 3 kids and never could breast feed my first two...just didnt have enough so after each feeding did 2 ounces of formula. i was so sad, but my kids are super healthy and great..one is 6 and other is 3. now, i have a 5month old and really wanted to do everything to breast feed this time. i started taking bleased thistle and fenugrek (cant remember how to spell it...) and it totally worked!! i took just as directed on the bottles. its alot of pills a day, but took about 4-5 days and then after that i would take them just morning and then at night. i did it for about 10-14days and then my milk supply was up and running. wow...sorry for this longest post EVER but thought i would share my experience with you and wish you the best!! your little man is sooooo handsome, by the way! take care.
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