To be honest with you, I really always kind of thought when ladies would say that they didn't have enough milk for their babies, that maybe they just really didn't want to breast feed. (it came so easy to sister so I thought it was like that for everyone) I guess this is karma biting me in the boob for thinking that. Wish us luck...
i know i don't know you, so i hope it doesn't freak you out that i'm giving you advice on this, but try fenugreek. it's an herbal supplement that will make you smell like maple syrup (one of my most hated things to smell of-flash backs to sticky-fingered kindergarteners...), but it will really help your milk production out. there are also some lactation blends you can get. all at whole foods and good earth. good luck!
so proud of you for going and for not giving up. such a good mom.
first- awesome for going. Second : Jude seems to grow beautifully, which is THE MOST TELLING truth about milk supply. Remember too, that BF is regulating around 3-4 months, which MAKE IT LOOK LIKE your milk supply is wearing off, but in reality all that it is , is just your body coming to realization of what it is doing. :) I am SURE you are doing GREAT. After all, you are an amazing mom :)
Love, XO
I too don't know you personally, but am a customer of your beautiful barrettes! I have 3 kids, and they go through growth spurts every few weeks and it takes a day or two each growth spurt to have your milk supply meet the baby's new demands. Just hang in there. Get lots of rest, eat a lot, drink a lot of water, and snuggle in bed for an entire day. There's nothing like a "nurse in", where all you do is rest and nurse together in bed. It does wonders for your supply. Good luck!
i also don't know you! fenugreek did help me somewhat, but what it came down too after months of so much work was that my body just didn't produce a normal and sufficient milk supply. i was so devastated! i pumped and breast-fed and then bottle fed to compensate and it was a LOT of work, but worth it for me till i hit the 6 month mark and just couldn't do it anymore. i'm pregnant w/my second and am hoping my body just kicks into gear and knows what it's supposed to do this time around. if not, i'm just going to go w/formula as sad as that will make me. it will be too much work to do both with another boy...and basically, if my body can't do it, it can't do it. :( good luck. it's good that you're doing everything you can to figure it out, just know that it's alright if you can't do it!!!
oh man. I too don't know you (you seem to get that a lot)...but I did buy a headband from your etsy shop once. My boy will be 4 months next week & I feel the exact same way about nursing! He must be going through a growth spurt because it seems like he's always cleaning me out & I'm worried that he's not getting enough to eat. I'm curious about what your specialist said.
ann.. this would have been my post one year ago except we don't even have a lactation specialist here. anyway, I was the exact same way as you..ask sarah... exact. no milk.. despite everything.. fenugreek, oatmeal, surfine, and like 10 other herbal supplements nothing helped... june started hating nursing because she wouldn't get anything..it was a fight every feeding. i fought her for 6 months then finally gave up (which was the best decision I ever made...for me and for june)
and don't you get so tired of "drink lots and lots of water" or "he's just going through a growth spurt" and don't you just hate people that have gallons of milk. i would love to talk to you-- sarah has my number (i obviously have lots of thoughts on the subject)
Wow, look at all of the strangers on here that have breast feeding advice! I'm not a stranger, but I also have absolutely nothing to offer in the lactation area...sorry. Fascinated to hear about it though, so share away!
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