Thank you so much for all of the tips about the fenugreek and everything else. Things went o.k with the lactation specialist (she was wonderful) but I was a little bummed that I didn't walk out of there with all the answers. Jude is doing great with his weight gain but I have NEVER had enough milk for him from day one and I shouldn't have waited almost 3 months to go see her. So Im taking the fenugreek and Im hoping that that helps. It has been such a struggle, to the point that mister almost only wants bottles (which means Im pumping every second) and he is getting to the point now, because the flow of the bottle is so wonderful, that he wants to rip my boob off and throw it out the window when he sees it. So, she recommended pumping about every 1 1/2 hours...I guess I don't need to sign up for a twitter account because you pretty much know what I will be doing at any given time of the day. Is this T.M.I?

Sister came down yesterday afternoon and her, Jen and I went to dinner and saw Julie and Julia (or is it the other way around?) Loved it. Kind of wish it would have been all about Julia though.

Ha! These photo booth pictures never get old to me. I still roll every tears running down my face laugh.