So, my due date came and went yesterday...and as ready as I am to have him here (so, so ready) can see that the nursery is still not. The stripes on the celling are still missing a color but i thought I would post a few photos from my phone anyway. cute is the bedding for his bassinet? My mom made it and I am obsessed with it, you cant even see all of the cute detail and how absolutely darling it really is in this photo. If you click on the photo big you can see the green and white vintage anchor fabric (also used on the crib) that was a treasure Sister and I found and fought over...and finally agreed that whoever had the first boy could have. Turns out I WIN! Thanks sisty.

SO freaking cute. I need to see this in person.
oh my gosh! your mom is my sewing hero! that is beyond cute!
and, now i really feel lame that i just went out and bought simple white bassinet sheets for my little bassinet. don't let my baby girl see yours is all i'm sayin'... or she may feel a bit neglected..
p.s. so fun to see you the other day!
and, i can't wait for that mister to come!
Oh my things are turning out soooo stinkn' cute!!! I love the colors and fabrics--well basically EVERYTHING is darling!!! We are so excited for you two. Hang in there---Mister will be there soon, I just know it!!!
Your mom did a fabulous job!! It is so cute!! I bet you are anxious for this little guy to get here. I can't believe we just celebrated Addison's first birthday 6/6. It goes by too fast!!
very cute girl!!!!...Mister is one lucky guy...
Your mom is SO talented. Hope you are doing okay and enjoying spending time with your parents. Good luck. I love you
so cute your mom is amazing! the nursery is going to be so cute!
such cute bedding. and i can't wait to see the nursery!
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