As far as that photo on the previous post, Im rolling at some of the guesses! HA! Of corse my brother Walker got it, he had that poster in his room and when he was at school my mom cut of the bottom part of the poster, cant say I blame her...Elizabeth is stacked. Anyway, she was the macho man Randy Savage's lady friend and my mom and I were talking about that poster and I thought I would blog it.
So, Im mostly caught up on all of my Etsy orders...Thank goodness, and I owe it all to my mom who at the drop of a hat flew out to help me! Thank you so much mummsie, I couldn't have done it without you! (REALLY)
So exciting my friend!
I love Krazy with a Z and Killa with an A.
I love you and I loved being in God's country.
So funny to see you and your mom driving the other day. I was in my own litle world. I'm happy for you now all you need is cable.
I'm so excited...the time has finally come...we need to celebrate! Lets get with our man-friends and nerd-out in all our mac glory...
Yeah for your new computer!!! And that lost post is hilarious.....so funny!
Hi Ann, I have ordered one of your lovely headbands on etsy and am so anxious to get it! I want every single one actually, but I do believe in all good things in moderation....
so jealous of your new mac... i'm dying to get one.. maybe one day.
hope your not feeling too much like a sweatshop with all your orders..
looking forward to next week!
Seriously, that pair in your last post? Quite bountiful. I'm glad you are getting caught up with your orders, you famey fame. What a smash! Can't wait to hang out tonight.
Yay for Macs! I was always so afraid of them and now, that's all we have, and we love em! You and Adam are such a cute couple, love the pics. Can't wait to order some of your lovely items for my baby girl when she comes.
I Can't wait to get my new Mac! so exciting for you.
Hey that is VERY cool! How are your fingers holding up?
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