1st off..Im a blogging fool..2nd off Me and my man know how to P-A-R-T-Y!

For instance...look at boyfriend weezing the juice (tigers blood of corse) at the Snowie stand at the provo shindig. Snowie brand stands are by far the best...something about the ice, a definite cut above the competition.

Adam, John Beesley and our nephew Christian at a b-b-q. We really made the rounds this night.

No, Im not 81/2 months pregers.
you're such a dork for the pregnant comment. and by the way..i'm not
no kidding...you look rexi to me! Such cute pictures! I'm glad you had a great 4th!
you two are extra cute holding a baby.
Could you two stop being so hot? It's not even fair, we should probably stop being friends. Hottie-pants. We need to hang out soon!
That snow cone machine is great!! You two are the cutest couple!!
I saw your feature on CMP this morning for Lou & Lee! Congrats!!
Thank you for putting more pics of you and adam up! I love them. (Cuz I love staring at your amazing faces!) And its kinda hard for a tall skinny supermodel to look prego! Get real!
Mmmmm. Tigers Blood really is the best. You always look so cute, and not prego at all. You're crazy!
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