I cant tell you how nice it has been to have some time on my hands to paint. These are a few I have done recently. kind of different from some of the stuff I normally would do but I had fun doing them.
Ann I LOVE these!!!! I don't know what you were worried about they are beautiful!!! I really like each one. Like your mom said, you should frame these and hang them for people to see!
oh my gosh..i'm dying! ann these are amazing! why are you not an artist for your career? i guess maybe now you'll realize what you should be doing. honestly..i love them. i think the floating girl is my favorite.
Hi!..I'm Sarah's friend and I just coudn't resist to tell you how much I loved your paintings!!..I think I would buy them!!..keep painting girl, because you have talent!!!
Oh my gosh! i LOVE them!!!! You are so talented and this is totally your own style of art that is so uniquely yours and i admire it so much! i love them all! Your talent is inspiring. i hope you keep sharing it with us!
Nothing too exciting...from a small town in California called Yuba City. I have a twin sister and two older brothers. Im obsessed with my nieces and nephews...and my handsome hubby, Boyfriend Adam...love him, and of course my sweet Mister, baby Jude.
Girl with polka dots is amazing...it should be hanging in the MoMA...I am not kidding. Paint everyday. It would be a crime not to. 143
Ann I LOVE these!!!! I don't know what you were worried about they are beautiful!!! I really like each one. Like your mom said, you should frame these and hang them for people to see!
oh my gosh..i'm dying! ann these are amazing! why are you not an artist for your career? i guess maybe now you'll realize what you should be doing. honestly..i love them. i think the floating girl is my favorite.
sister, you know i just love these... in fact i wish they were all hanging in my house right now!!!
These are really great Ann...super unique and I love the way you've contrasted patterns/colors etc. Keep painting!
Love them Ann. Keep it up. How about a mural in your new amazing house. I can't wait to see it done.
Hi!..I'm Sarah's friend and I just coudn't resist to tell you how much I loved your paintings!!..I think I would buy them!!..keep painting girl, because you have talent!!!
Ann these are SO CUTE! I love those faces. Can I commission a piece?
Oh my gosh! i LOVE them!!!! You are so talented and this is totally your own style of art that is so uniquely yours and i admire it so much! i love them all! Your talent is inspiring. i hope you keep sharing it with us!
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