I cant say thank you enough for all of the comments, emails, flowers and cards that I received about my last post. This has made me love blogging all over again. I don't know what I would have done without the kind words.
And...I dont know what I would have done without my sweet mother, Sister and boyfriend.
This experience has been a nightmare...sad, disappointing and humbling all at the same time. At this point I am just trying to get back to my everyday life and do the things I did before.

Love these babies...
My Mom flew into town as fast as can be and I am so thankful for her. She tried to keep me busy with baking and just basically being her sweet self.
She left yesterday...so sad.
...But we are happy and blessed in so many ways.
i'm so glad you made it through the week and that you have such an amazing family and husband. we hope to see you guys soon..
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a blessing to have your loved ones to comfort and love you during this heartbreaking time. You and your family are so cute and I love reading your blog. I hope you continue to have the support you need :) thank you for sharing with all of us.
God has given you a wonderful support system and I know you appreciate them all!! A true blessing...
If it's any encouragement, when I had both my miscarriages, both doctors reminded me women tend to get pregnant very quickly after because their body is already "primed" so-to-speak. It was true for me...after my first miscarriage and D & C, I kept waiting for my period...after 14 weeks, I thought I should take a preggo test and sure enough, God had given me another baby and I never had a period inbetween the D&C and the pregnancy!! She's about to celebrate her 7th birthday...love.
God bless you and know it will get better, emotionally, each day! Lots of hugs to you!
I'm so glad that you are so surrounded by love. A few days after your post, I found out that my dear friend Kate had a miscarriage at 13 1/2 weeks. She was going to tell all of us on our Vegas trip that she was pregnant, but instead had to suffer through her third miscarriage. It's such a heartbreaking thing and I want you to know that I have thought about you every day! I love hearing that you have been carried through this hard time. Call me if you ever need anything! Love you.
love you girl...so glad you have such an incredible support system...you are so loved and I'm glad you made it through the week...
I have been meaning to comment and tell you how sorry I am. It was must be such a hard thing to go through.. I'm happy you have such a close family to help you...
and baking always makes everyone feel better.
thank goodness for loved ones to help you out. again, i'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
i'm really not joking, if you don't blog about it - i MUST know how you decorated that cake! it's beautiful!
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