To a happy, safe and healthy new year...

(boyfriends dream come true...a 16 oz pepsi)
I have lots of goals for this new year...but I wont bore you with them. I look forward to so may things this year...a new baby for sister (cant wait!) and I look forward to hearing what my Mister has to say to me. He is starting to talk so much, I just cant wait to hear all of his little thoughts. Things that make him happy and sad, I look forward to the sweet and even some of the naughty things he might say to me. I just love him.
We had a very merry Christmas. I love being with family. Mister was so cute and loved waking up to cousins everyday.
Happy New I just have to get through the misery that is January and February in Utah.
Happy New Year Ann! I am glad you had a wonderful Christmas with family and I too can't wait to see what 2011 holds for us! :)
Happy New Year!
Yes, why do Jan & Feb have to be so cold, and dark?
Happy New Year! I've been reading your blog for some time and I didn't realize you were in Utah too!
That little Jude and his smile! He is the sweetest! Thank you for the jammies and the stockings (which are still up).
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