My Mister has ALWAYS loved the vacuum...I will have to post the video of this so you can see just how serious he really is.

Me and boyfriend at Lion King at Capitol Theater last night...

Could you die? I went thrifting the other day and got these perfect vintage glasses...maybe my favorites ever...and a cute pyrex butter dish. For some reason, I have a real thing for butter dishes.

Could you die all over again at the Fire king lusterware set that I got on the same trip...Im obsessed with it...and it is in mint condition.

Sarah, Sister, Jen, Amy D. and I had so much fun out to dinner the other night...and you know we stopped by the Chili's afterwords for some white chocolate molten cake...and it did not disappoint!

Oh, and we have a snake infestation...could you think of anything worse? Would you believe, one slithered right over my foot the other day when I was walking into the house?! And would you believe that when said incident occurred that my man gave me the international signal to shush when I screamed because he was on the phone?! Some people!
i am ROLLING at the last thing you said about adam shushing you. and you look bomb and way rexi in that photo.
by the way i really want some more of that molten lava what not..
Ann-I can't believe how big Jude has gotten!! & those suspenders...too much to handle!!! So sweet!
Great finds! There's nothing better than scoring big time at the thrift store!
I love that Jude loves to vacuum! Isaac loves to follow me while I vacuum but he won't come any nearer to it than that :) And I love the glasses! What a find!
And your last comment made me laugh too...I can't believe it went over your foot! I would have screamed too!
Hi Ann,
I am always love reading you and your sister's blog. You both have such great sense of style!
I would love to see a home tour one day of your house..I love it is is so anthropologie..
Sorry I do not comment more my boys keep me busy!
Love your new glasses so cute!
rolling at adam shushing you...i would have freaked about the snake! And I also would have freaked out about finding those glasses and the fire king set...you are a great thrifter my friend.
and you and your man look bomb at Lion King...
LOVE your thrifty finds -- been searching around for a sweet little Pyrex butter dish myself!
(Also, the mister is SO CUTE!)
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