Here are a bunch of random photos from the last little bit...

I hung a few items above the couch...finally.

Me and mister...I look like I am trying to strike a pose. Rest assured that I am not.

Mister is a teen so he thinks he can drive...

Our garden...its actually working!

Me and boyfriend...

and a few I had on my phone from the party...

hey you're looking the bomb in these.
what is it with kids in the driver seat?.. june's obsessed too.
jude is adorable and his bday looked totally sweet.
love your wedding ring
I love your wedding ring too...shoulda' known it'd be super cool!
Hey, I love the mason jars you used for Jude's party...did you have ice cream in them? I have my babys 3rd birthday in September, and that looks like a grand idea to have ice cream ready to go...just wasn't sure I could put glass in the freezer...would love to know if you did or what you put in those jars!
I actually did the cupcakes in a was kind of like a mini trifle, i split the cupcake in 1/2 frosted the center and top. It turned out yummy!
you look does your garden...and the cupcakes were to die for. wish I had one now...
well actually now I wish I had a taco time empanada to dip in the cupcakes. mmmmm....
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