What is sweeter than hearing your baby talk? I love it when mister is playing (I call it working because he is very serious about it) and he is babbling to himself. When boyfriend comes home it is always "Da-dee"...and when he leaves mister says "bye-bye"! I love his sweet voice, I love all of these changes...but where did my baby go? He came and went so quickly. How is it that this process can be so bittersweet? Time is the same...its quick but its slow. In some ways it feels like I just had him, but it also feels like he has been here forever. All I know is that he is my best friend, my constant companion...and I truly would not have it any other way.
why am i not surprised that jude is talking? could he prepare a speech for his best friend's birthday party please? we'd really appreciate that.
love the top pic by the way.
He is DARLING. Beautiful pictures! Our son Jake was always advanced...walking, talking doing everything early. We have always introduced him as "the teenager". Even though he is such a stud and acts like a child prodigy, it was a little sad. My baby girl...she is 13 months and ALL BABY. So there is hope for you- next time around at least. :) xoxo
He is a dawlface. Where did the time go? Mine is almost one and I am bawling about it.
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