Please forgive the nursing bra...and the fact that Im pasty white...and have no makeup on. Lets just say I have seen better days. But how could I pass up posting this photo of me and Mister. He is all smiles...when he's not yelling at me.

We are loving you so much Jude. Some nights you sleep a total of 4 hours and some nights we get REALLY lucky and you sleep 6 1/2 hours in a row... like last night. Hoping for more nights like that but not holding our breath. You are getting so big and even rolled over the other day. Your daddy and I couldn't believe our eyes. It is so sweet when you give me that gummy smile I can hardly hold back the tears. You make us so, so happy. Thank you.
Awe, that is so sweet of her -- what a good pair!
how about that shot?! he's a doll and i love him.
You are so hot sister... And that baby of yours is so cute it shouldn't be allowed !
Love you.
what a smiler he is...and getting so big. love you!
oh he just could not be any cuter...look at him look at are very old friends - I can tell...
so sweet! love the cousins together!
He is growing so fast and so cute. Enjoy this.
No appologies needed Ann. You look happy and beautiful. Motherhood suits you! And that baby boy of yours is so so cute!
such a sweet little smile! I can't believe we haven't met him yet.
Marlo tells her brothers "it's okay little buddy, Marlo's here."
and you look beautiful as always!
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