I cant believe you are a month already Jude. You have already changed so much. Sometimes when you fall asleep, I lay next to you and get as close to your face as I can. I take you in, your little hands in motion, your nursing lips and your sweet breath...oh that sweet, sweet breath. I try to not take one minute of this time for granted...when I hold you sometimes I cry a little because I know there will come a day when I cant hold you in my arms and rock you to sleep. Simply put baby boy...I love you. You are what I was put on this earth for.
We are so lucky to have this little guy in our family!
Oh Ann...that is cute...I almost cry!...Am I going to feel the same way about my baby boy???!!.I can't wait to meet mine!..Yours is perfect!
Oooh I feel like this a lot.
So sweet.
When he is 6'4" (and I think he will be), you will feel the same way...it's a wonderful thing.
He's a living doll!
happy birthday Jude!
He is so cute. I can't wait to meet my little mister.
happy birthday big guy. ann & adam: he's just as lucky to have you both as parents.
so beautifully put ann.
that is really sweet ann...
isn't it hard to believe that other mom's feel this same way about their own babies. seems impossible.
he is one handsome little fella.
Hi! I hope this isn't weird, I found your blog through your sister Amy's (who I found through . . . well I can't remember)
Anywhoo, I've been reading your blog for about a week and I thought I would leave you a comment.
Jude is such a sweet little man. And may I say his nursery is to DIE for?! Anywhoo, you're adorable, your baby is adorable, your house is adorable and your etsy shop is adorable! Are you still taking custom orders?
I have to admit I read your blog not even knowing you, but when I read this one I had to leave a comment - I have had 5 babies and wish I could bottle the smell of a sweet babies breath. It makes me cry to realize I just had my baby baby and she is almost 9 months, and I won't get another one. So so heartbreaking to not be able to bottle that smell forever.
How grown up you are biggie boy. And oh so sweet.
is he off to the office in that outfit?
he is so adorable...and nothing could be more true.
your thoughts are perfectly put. i realized the other day that my baby is getting so big...too big...it is the best thing to have her tell me stories and crack me up and yet the worst thing to have her growing so fast!
but really...isn't being a mommy just the most incredible thing ever!
love you guys...
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