I have a really big mouth and I ended up telling everyone this weekend...so I thought I would blog about it. I dont know how most of you do it...wait to tell people...I know its PC and everything. So, say a prayer for me and the peanut.
um....I think this is saying that you are expecting! :)
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to you and your husband! That is so exciting Ann! He/She will for sure be the best decked out little peanut ever! And I hope your trip to YC was a smash! :)
Yipee!!!!! I can't wait. You will be such an AWESOME mom...and just think of all the cool stuff you can buy now!!!! I bet Adam is over the moon. I love you!
Not even lying when I say that I got teary when Adam told me!! I'm so excited for you guys, congratulations!! You are going to be one sassy pregnant lady. Lets do something soon - hope you're feeling ok! Let me know if you need anything!
ANN! YAY YAY YAY!! So excited for you...and glad you spilled the beans. Who gives a crap about PC! Can't wait to see the little peanut-- and hear names! Do tell!
plus 900 lbs... yeah right. great news and congratulations. even though you are a mystery to me (we've never met), I'm still excited for you. babies are the bomb.
Nothing too exciting...from a small town in California called Yuba City. I have a twin sister and two older brothers. Im obsessed with my nieces and nephews...and my handsome hubby, Boyfriend Adam...love him, and of course my sweet Mister, baby Jude.
um....I think this is saying that you are expecting! :)
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to you and your husband! That is so exciting Ann! He/She will for sure be the best decked out little peanut ever! And I hope your trip to YC was a smash! :)
I love the peanut already!!! We are so excited for you guys!!!
Congrats!! Sending good karma your way! Blessings and Light.
wow! what great news!
congrats a million! i'm so excited for you!
So excited for you!! How far along are you? How are you feeling? Give us the scoop!
^_^ Congrats.
I love being pregnant so much!
Wow girl!!!!!..congratulations!!!...So Sarah and I will be next, I guess...
Congratulations Ann! You'll love being a mommy!
WHAT THE!!!!!!! Never been more excited!
I bet your mom is sooo excited and Amy too!! You will love it...just as much as being an Auntie!! :)
Congratulations Ann!! What exciting news! I am very excited for you and your family!!!!
congratulations ann! good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
Yipee!!!!! I can't wait. You will be such an AWESOME mom...and just think of all the cool stuff you can buy now!!!! I bet Adam is over the moon. I love you!
11:08 AM
Not even lying when I say that I got teary when Adam told me!! I'm so excited for you guys, congratulations!! You are going to be one sassy pregnant lady. Lets do something soon - hope you're feeling ok! Let me know if you need anything!
go to babystrology.com and it will show you each day what your baby looks like....really cool stuff!!!
k so I don't really know you. just really via sarah. But CONGRATS on the peanut!
congrats! how far along are you?
Im so excited for you! It was so good to see you the other night!!! YOu are going to LOVE being a mom!
sorry, that was Andrea....I'm at Heather's house.
congratulations! your life is about to change forever and you will be the happiest you can ever imagine!
Congrats Ann!
How exciting!!
We are so excited for you!
cat's out of the bag huh? what does pc mean?
That is so exciting--Congratulations!!
Once again, congratulations Ann! It was great to see you and your sis on Saturday night...I'm glad that all is going well for the both of you!!
yaaay! Congrats, I am so happy for you!!!
Im calling you the second I wake up tomorrow! I cant congratulate you over blogging! This is way to big! i love you!
So excited for you...and glad you spilled the beans. Who gives a crap about PC!
Can't wait to see the little peanut-- and hear names! Do tell!
c o n g r a t s !
that is so exciting.
How fun. You will be a great mom and I'm sure your little baby will be styling.
plus 900 lbs... yeah right.
great news and congratulations.
even though you are a mystery to me (we've never met), I'm still excited for you. babies are the bomb.
YEAH!!! We are probably REALLY close because that is almost the same time I found out. I am so excited for you!!
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