I finally did it...Sewed the needle all the way through my finger...and in a moment of shock grabbed the string that was still threaded and yanked it out. Unfortunately I couldn't get a good photo of the exit wound. This hurt like a mutha and it doesn't look a tenth of how band it hurts. It was bound to happen some time. I cant tell you how many scars I have from my glue gun, like serious for the rest of my life scars. The needle not only went all the way through the finger but it split the nail all the way across.
I did that once in highschool-it sucks. Real bad.
OUCH!! I got a little light headed when I read that!!
have you tried a thimble? they can be a tad awkward, but you avoid piercing your extremities ; )
That had to be the worst!
Another reason I don't sew..
Ya, I'll I can say is OUCH!
poor child...
I love you.
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