Don't judge me...
This table was spotless this morning...not so much anymore. I don't know what it is but when I make stuff I cant seem to do it in an organized fashion. Seriously, do other people make messes like this??? Probably not. And...poor boyfriend, I don't have a work space so I do it on the kitchen table, he LOVES that.

I must be trippin' (do you like how I said I was trippin' not tripping) to post a photo of my beat-A feet. Im just so obsessed with my new paint job...that I had to show them. These things "sparkle like JEWELS " (as Estee put it) Love them and my last ones (that were a lot more subtle, they were pink) stayed on for over 2 months. Im LOVING this yellow though...My cute sister-in law Lyndsey did them, I highly recommend her expertise.
love your shiz...and love your nails....
Love your nails too!!!....and girl...that table is full of creativity...., don't mess with it!
I make messes like that ALL THE TIME when I'm crafting. It got so bad that I finally made good use of this huge table downstairs in the basement to spread all my shiz all over the place. You just can't clean that stuff up, you know what I mean? It's better left in chaos.
And those nails? Stoppit. I must have me some of that glittery goodness.
no worries. my table looks EXACTLY like that like 99% of the time. it's awesome. my husband wants to kill me..
love the toes! i need to try that out.
you know i have a thing for scars.
You are too funny! There has been so many times when I have wanted to write a blog about my messy house and take pictures of it but didn't have the guts...I love that you did it!!! I'm sure that everyone has huge messes like that often,especially when they're crafting. Or if you just have two kids that are two little tornados.
Love your toes by the way...how did you get that scar?
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