I NEED my family to know just how much I love them and how special each one of them is to me...
Dad: You are the best man I know. Strong and loving. Never asking for anything, so un-worldly. You are such a special man and Im so thankful for your example. Always saying things to calm me.
Mom: Unconditional love. The sacrifices you make for your children and grandchildren awe me.
You are my best friend and I can only dream to someday be 1/2 the mother you are.
Walker: You are such a loyal brother and have a heart of gold. Such a hard worker!
Mark: The way you look at your daughter amazes me. The love you have, you are such a perfect father and would do anything for your babies...
Amy: Sisty I just love everything about you. You and your babies are the loves of my life. You are me and I am you.
Erin: You are such a beautiful mother and the most thoughtful person I know, always getting the perfect gift or saying the right things. You are so sweet to Mom and such a wonderful wife. Your strength is amazing. Im so proud that you are my sister-in-law.
Chris: Always there to lighten the mood. You are a great dad to those little babies...you know I love you!
Adam: See post below.
Days like this ALL I can think about is my family and wonder how my spirit was blessed enough to be with them. Love them so much.