This car...No I wouldn't even call it that, but vehicle, has caused me many a heart ache. Its Adams Land Rover Defender 90. Now this beast is what Adam has chosen to drive around...And I can respect that. The problem lies in the fact that it isn't what I would call a street vehicle by any sense of the word. I cant quite explain the quirks that this car has but lets put it this way, it maxs out at about 65 mph so when we have any where to go (that's more than 10 miles away) we always end up driving my car. It doesn't tell you how fast you are going ( so 65mph is a generous rough estimate). Its battery dies if you don't drive it everyday. The heater barely works. You need a large stepping stool to get into it (there have been times, like if I have had on a skirt, Adam has had to actually pick me up to put me in).... But its awesome off road Adam has told me, and that really means a lot to me. Every time we see one on T.V. or something like that he falls deeper in love. I have begged Adam to get a new car but he wont even entertain the thought.
Even though she is nicknamed Private Dancer she could never hold a candle to you Ann! Plus, I've been stuck in the snow with her and almost froze to death. She is not luxurious and fancy like the real woman in Adam's life.
and you didnt mention that it cost a million dollars... such a waste if you ask me, but he loves it and thats all that matters!!!
The website is: laylagrace.com
My friend said they have many more fabric samples at the store.
ahhh, adam's beast and darek's cable, i too know what it's like to be the other woman!
remember when i was dating that little boy and we came over to see estee and meet adam? well..he fell in love with adam because he had this car.
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