I cant believe Adam and I have been married for a year (tomorrow)! He really is the best thing that ever happened to me. I was beginning to think marriage didn't really work anymore and that I would have to find some one I could deal with for the rest of my life...Not the case. I cant pat myself on the back for ending up with Adam because I usually don't make such great decisions, I know my heavenly father helped my with this one. I am so blessed to have such a tender and caring bestfriend!
you two are a great match!I am so glad he makes you so happy! I can't believe it has already been a year!
happy anniversary! and i loved this post because he really is so great but he is also very lucky to have found you.
Happy Anniversary! I am so happy for you Ann. He sounds like a great guy!
he is also a great brother in law!!! happy anniversary you two love birds!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! I can't believe its already been on year. I'm so happy you found someone who you don't have to "deal with" but who you can really be in love with and enjoy so much happiness together. I'm so glad you found each other!
I can't believe that it has been a year! From the moment we met you and saw you with Adam we knew that it was meant to be. I know it sounds cliche...but it is actually true! You compliment each other sooo well and are so lucky to have each other! We love you both tons and wish you a Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to you and Adam. I hope you have a fun weekend together...I love you both.
Happy Anniversary! Always remember why you fell in love, although it's obvious to me that you have not forgotten! I am so happy for you two! You seem perfectly matched. I love your wedding photos by the way - you are gorgeous!
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