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I don't like the snow or the 20 degree weather. Not to mention I almost eat it in every parking lot (they get so icy). I do however like the Target Christmas 50% off extravaganza...It was beautiful. I got new dishes for my house (year round dishes)...Just what I needed...They are a dark red cut glass, very cute. Not to mention the Christmas decorations for next year...I tried to tell Adam he will thank me next year, but he wasn't having that! I went to 2 Targets around here...And had there been a third and forth I would have gone to them to.
We are leaving for Cancun in the morning so I have a ton to do, and I haven't even thought about it. I like to put thing off as long as possible.
I hope everyone had such a great Christmas...I know I did. I love being with my family and after being home for so long it was hard to come back!
I cant wait to see Adam...It feels like It has been forever! Did I mention only 5 more days until Christmas...Im so excited/sad because we have to leave right after Christmas ( we are going to Cancun with Adams family) so that means 5 days until I leave...I have a problem with seeing the glass half empty. (Although I am excited for Cancun)

So, tonight we went out to dinner for my Aunt Joy and Uncle Mike's birthday. (they are on the same day). I love being home even for the small things like that...Things that I miss out on because Im in Utah. I love coming home. My visits are so few and far between so when Im here I feel like I have a million things I want to do. Yuba City is good for quite a few things and I think the longer I am away the more I appreciate them. When Im here I love to...
1. Go to the Punjab bizarre...It is an authentic, and I mean authentic East Indian store and it has THE best bracelets, jewelry and probably some of the most beautiful fabrics ever!
2. Go to the Thrifty bargain ...THE Best thrift store of all time.
3. All of the antique stores, there are so many good ones here.
4. The orchard supply stores...They have very interesting items, did I mention im in the market for a good pair of overalls...Im not quite sure why, but Im serious about getting a pair...And believe me this is the place to do it.
5.Going to church...It is a funny thing when you see a child you use to babysit and they are now in collage. Or seeing how fast life really is, when you see someone who was young when you saw them last, and now has age written all over their face.
6. Going out to my grandma's...I have some of my best memories there, time spent with my cousins and my sweet, sweet Grandpa.
7. There is something about walking into the house I grew up in...It sort of brings me back to a time in my life when I felt COMPLETELY safe, loved, and carefree, you know...Like a much simpler time. I love that, I always get that feeling.
Anyway, Im loving being home. Adam comes tomorrow so that makes it even better and hopefully I will have some photos to blog!!!
Is anyone as excited as me? It really is starting to feel like Christmas and feel like Christmas!
Im home so it is really feeling like Christmas!
Im home and its beautiful...I will be here until Christmas! I will miss Adam because he wont be here for a week, but he is very busy getting things done for the house! I thought I should post this mug shot because I was so happy she got arrested! 5'1, 85 pounds. She sucks! MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU DOPE!
I just thought you people should be the first to hear the news...I drank a sodie today! Make that two. One was a diet caffeine free coke (that was about a 5 on a scale from 1-10) and the other was a Bargs rootbeer (10 on a scale from 1-10) DELISH! Im happy with my choice to get back on the sodie...Don't let anyone tell you to get off the sodies, I was off for 7+ months and there was no benefit. The people that tell you to get off, because they are off and they feel great, only tell you that because their life motto is "misery loves company"

This car...No I wouldn't even call it that, but vehicle, has caused me many a heart ache. Its Adams Land Rover Defender 90. Now this beast is what Adam has chosen to drive around...And I can respect that. The problem lies in the fact that it isn't what I would call a street vehicle by any sense of the word. I cant quite explain the quirks that this car has but lets put it this way, it maxs out at about 65 mph so when we have any where to go (that's more than 10 miles away) we always end up driving my car. It doesn't tell you how fast you are going ( so 65mph is a generous rough estimate). Its battery dies if you don't drive it everyday. The heater barely works. You need a large stepping stool to get into it (there have been times, like if I have had on a skirt, Adam has had to actually pick me up to put me in).... But its awesome off road Adam has told me, and that really means a lot to me. Every time we see one on T.V. or something like that he falls deeper in love. I have begged Adam to get a new car but he wont even entertain the thought.
Can't wait...I will be home very soon!

I sat down to blog tonight and realized I didn't have anything to really blog about, but I am eating those Hershey's Kissables...Has anyone had those? Im obsessed with them. They are a mini Hershey's kiss with a hard, crunchy candy coated shell of delight. Anyway, I love them. A lot. Oh, and I was at the grocery store and I desperately needed conditioner so I just bought it there, it was just some Pantene crap but it was in a tube and it had green on it, something like Pantene restorative, anyway, it was the best conditioner I have ever used in my life. No pricey conditioners for me anymore. Oh, and one more thing...has anyone seen that show on the Discovery channel called "I shouldn't be alive"? TiVo it, is all I have to say!
So, today was my first day as a non-working woman...So instead of retail...I am now dabbling in janitorial work. I was down at our house today working, it is coming along so well. I cant believe how beautiful it is coming together. Now that I don't work I think I want to take myself down to the nail place and get a mani-pedi. My problem is, I get in there... Sitting in that seat and I start looking around at all those greasy pictures of the nails they have up on the walls and I end up wanting 3 inch nails with a fuscia French manicure, jewels and and A on my pinky nail. Im dead serious.
I left work early because I CAN NOT get rid of this cold I have, and I took what they were calling "dayqul" but I know is really the liquid gelcap of crack-cocaine because I felt all fuzzy and stoned. I felt like I was standing there with my eyes crossed all day. So I drove up to Amy's (I do not support driving under the influence in this manner) to take a nap...But my pookie is so cute I cant waste a minute of my time with her on sleep. So Amy, pookie and I went all over town searching for last minute items for her Christmas tree. I cant tell you how beautiful her tree looks...But it was not an easy project. I helped Chris carry in the tree and we snapped one of the legs off in the door way, so that was awesome. Talk about Jimmy rigging. Finally we got it standing althoug not in an upright fashion. But we plugged on and in the end all was well... It is one of the most darling trees I have ever seen. Im so sad because I don't think I will be doing my tree this year because my house will not be in the right state for it. In my mind I think the construction workers would appreciate something pretty to look at while working on the house...Adam does not quite see it that way. I see them all holding hands, swaying to-and-fro singing "oh Christmas tree"...Is that so wrong?
That my anniversary also means that there are only 22 more days until Christmas...That being said, I think I have already come up with my new years resolution...Im getting back on the sodies baby! I cant live without them any more...I sniff Adams every time we are out to eat. I need them in my life again. I have proven to myself that I can do it and since I haven't noticed anything life changing...I BELIEVE IT IS TIME!

Last night Adam and I went up to Salt Lake, we ate dinner, saw a movie and stayed at the Little America Hotel. It was so nice to spend some time with him! He gave me the most thoughtful gift...He found this beautiful vintage jewelry box and inside he had cut out 365 hearts and each one had something different on it, a memory or something like that. He is very sweet. Oh ya, and he told me to pick out any couch I wanted for the new house...There is only one stipulation, he says it has to be comfy. Now comfy and pretty don't usually go hand and hand in my book so if ANYONE has any suggestions on where I might find something of the sort...Let me know. When he mentions comfy I tend to picture something that reclines and has built-in cup holders (ie: above photo). I think he is sick of how non-functional my anthropologie furniture is.
My boycott is over!

I cant believe Adam and I have been married for a year (tomorrow)! He really is the best thing that ever happened to me. I was beginning to think marriage didn't really work anymore and that I would have to find some one I could deal with for the rest of my life...Not the case. I cant pat myself on the back for ending up with Adam because I usually don't make such great decisions, I know my heavenly father helped my with this one. I am so blessed to have such a tender and caring bestfriend!
I am on a blogger boycott...I have had it up to my gills with the lack of comments on my blog. Now, if you are reading this (which you are) you should be leaving some sort of comment on my blog. I know some of my posts are boring and my blog isn't that great but all of us who have blogs know how lovely a good comment can be every now and then.