So, I officially put my 2 weeks in down at the Nordstrom today...It was sad for me but a much needed decision. I have been working for Nordstrom for over 3 1/2 years so I must admit it has kind of become part of my life. It will be so weird not to go there everyday and I will miss so many of the people I work with, they kind of become your family. I have sooo much to do on our house that a moment will not be spared and Im going to be going home for a long Christmas brake. I have also taken up oil painting ( I have always done watercolors in the past) so Im sure I will be doing much more of that and the idea of going to the gym (which I would never normally even think of doing) has even crossed my mind a time or two. I am afraid my closet is going to take this the hardest, I haven't broken it to her yet...Im not quite sure how.
Ann you are so funny! That picture of that lady is so sick. Those pictures that your sister took are soooooo beautiful! You're a hottie!!
it's about time for the two week notice! I can't believe the photos...I must have a few! 143
first of all..good job on quiting nordstrom. now you just need to go to hair school so when i move back to utah we can open our salon. and second of all..so excited about your art work. and third of all..you look AMAZING on amy's blog. ily. but the gym..seriously?
you are hilarious!
I can't comment on this post because I can't look at that woman one more minute. Deb wants to get ripped like that, huh deb??? So happy you put in your 2 weeks..FINALLY!
Oh sad! Everyone is so happy you quit? Not us- we miss you already!
Oh sad everyone is so happy you quit! Not us- I miss you already!
Oh dear- I'm new at the blogging and apparently not very good at it! Sorry about the double posting!
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