I have a confession to make...and I am seriously embarrassed and you might judge my mothering skills. Here it goes...Mister still drinks a bottle before bed. Today I tried putting water in a small bottle (in the photo above) and he threw it across the room. He LOVES his baba, I mean... eyes rolling in the back of his head loves it. So I have indulged him. I will however not go into his 2 year check up and tell my doctor that he is still on the sauce. So I have to get moving...any tips. Poor baby, I am about to take away his very favorite thing!

Here is my only photo form Las Vegas...of food. Typical.

And...a new little set of bows that I added to the shop today!
julian LOVES his "baba". he still has it morning and night. i tried putting his milk in a sippy cup and he tossed it. i think i will just lie to the doctor... i can't take it from him just yet.
taking a child off their bottle, is totally one of those things that are WAY harder for the momma/parent than the kid, in the end. It will seem IMPOSSIBLE and i can almost promise you {unless this is a rare case}, that after about 3 days he will be totally fine. Jude will HATE naptime/bedtime for the first day or two, and after that - he will seriously NOT remember ever needing it. but, you have to NEVER mention it again!
you can do it! :)
How could you not give that sweet little guy whatever he wants? Look at him!
I think you got awesome advice already. I agree with all three of the ladies before me even if they are a little conflicting. If you do decide for sure to do it (not the end of the world if you don't and just lie), Jane is so right. I sweated taking the binky from my daughter for MONTHS and then when I finally bit the bullet one morning it was nowhere near as awful as I had been imagining. I think she skipped naps for a couple days and I'm sure cried a little but it was fine. And just to make it clear I'm not judging the situation, she was three at the time.
I would definitely suggest taking it away for the first time at naptime not bedtime. And maybe get him a special blankie or toy to soften the blow for both of you. :)
I have 4 kids...with my 4th, I did all the things I NEVER would have done with my first...she took a bottle before bed until she was almost 3...and she lived :) She still does all she can to be a baby and I love it: takes a rattle to bed, has binki's (that she doesn't even use) in bed, has to wear footed "baby" jammies, even in the Summer...
Having been where you are and where I am now, don't worry about it...sweet Jude is just fine having a milk baba!! BUT, don't tell the Ped...no need to know...
What I did to get rid of it before she turned three was lessen the amount...when we were down to an ounce, I just told her no more baba's...she was sad, but got over it within a couple days, and still slept fine...however, if she finds the one I keep in the cupboard, she'll still ask for her milk in that cup at lunchtime...and I oblige :)
i wish i had some good advice for you but i know you can do this and it will only take a few bad days before it is over.
First- love your blog! And bows. I want a new baby girl so I can buy more bows.
Um, I'm so glad my kids not the only one! The bottle battle isn't one I'm ready to tackle- it's this big scary secret I keep. Elle is 20 months... But I was able to switch from milk to water before naps and bed!! Baby steps for both Elle & I:)
Ps- Isn't the food like the best part of Vegas? I think so. Mmmmm...
I remember this time with both of my kids so vivdly. They are 4 and 5 now and all I can say is that "tough love" is the hardest part of parenting for me! But I learned to be ok with it eventually, even though it is still so hard. You will both be ok and his great love for you will remain... even if you do take his very favorite thing. Good luck <3
Guilty as charged. I have no advice at all.
Let him keep it. Don't sweat it. Lie to the Dr ;) My little guy is 27 months old. He has his bottle once at naptime and once at bedtime. My older two never even drank from a bottle, but they both nursed a little bit longer than most. What's the difference? We'll be done with the bottle here soon enough. I'll lessen the amount here when I feel like it. It will be easy just like weaning from nursing, getting rid of the binky was and potty training was. I just followed my kids lead and things happened as they should have.
Hi. My mister was addicted to his bottle. He refused to drink from any sippy cup I got him. It was always his bottle he preferred and it had to be from those cheap Ferber 3 packs they sell at target. I decided one day that he had to stop drinking from the bottle. I lined up all his bottles and said you are a big boy now and big boys don't drink from bottles they drink from cups so we have to throw them away. He looked at me weird but I repeated it what I just said and asked him if he could throw them away because he's a big boy and he did. He threw them away! After that everytime I would hand him a sippy cup or he asked for something to drink I would say remember you're a big boy so we don't drink bottles anymore. It worked and the first night was a little tough but after that he stoped asking for a bottle and now drinks his cups. We also stopped mentioning them. We would say he wants a b right now but he can't. This was about a month ago an he's doing great. The only thing is that now he wakes up super early cause he is hungry. You can do it. I do think it's harder for us the parents than it is for them. I had a really hard time with that decision. You should still keep one just in case like when he's sick and doesn't want to eat and would prefer to drink liquids it will comfort him. I hope this is helpful. At the end of the day you're his mom and you know best.
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