I feel like a know a million people who have babies around Misters age, so I thought I would tell you some of the things that we a loving right now...I would love to hear what things you and your baby like...

Yobaby organic yogurt with live and active cultures, zinc and vitamin D. (need I say more) When mister was sick, the Dr. said that yogurt is so good for babies.

Mrs. Meyer's baby blossom products. (I love all of the the Mrs. Meyer's products though) Nothing smells better than the organic baby blossom products. I have the wipes, laundry detergent, biodegradable dryer sheets and lotion. The smell is THE BEST.

Pretty much anything from Happybaby. Everything is organic AND super important...the packaging is all BPA free. Mister loves the puffs and the yogurt melts.

My man loves him some baby mum-mums for real. He crunches right into them and they aren't messy at all.

I also love these products from Babyganics. Safe for babies and the planet, I have the toy and highchair cleaner, and the tile and tub cleaner...bomb. I love not having to worry about the chemicals in the products I use on things for Mister. I want the kit above.
Anyway, those are some of our favorites right now. We would love to know some of yours.
Love yo baby & I really must try the baby yum yums. I heard NOT MESSY. :)
It's horrible, but I was so good about buying all the baby food stuff with Jake. But now with Evy, she's starting to eat "real food" a whole lot sooner than the boy. For example, I made quesadillas for the fam the other night and handed her one WITHOUT even thinking. UGH. {She loved it BTW and ate the whole thing}
So no really good baby food suggestions here, sorry! :(
oscar is finally starting to want foods like this so I need to get some. where should I go?
Kate is not eating food yet however my friend works with Tyler Florence and says that his baby food line SPROUT is the bomb! Tyler feeds it to his kids as well so that does say something and he has created them all! You might try them out as I can't wait to try them out when Kate is old enough!! You can go to his website www.tylerflorence.com and read up on it and I believe you can get them at Whole Foods and other grocers..but it is organic and really good!!! Let me know if you try them and if you like them! :)
Did you get my email about the onsies?
I am going to save all these products and try them when Kate gets older! ;)
Just found your blog and LOVE it. :) My little miss loves her some Earth's Best stage 1 organic carrots. We have not moved up yet (she's five and a half months), so that's about all she can have right now. I am hoping she is over her cow's milk allergy soon so we can try the yo baby!
I also LOVE: Boon safe sippy, nubby rattle teether(from Tommee Tippee), Little Remedies products (all chemical free), naturebaby diapers, Mustella products, and Lansinoh nursing pads (for me :)
I really love your blog. Thanks for sharing your favorites. I am excited to try out the foods for my little girl who is 3 weeks older than Jude. Currently I really love the baby detergent by Method. The smell is soooo good. I even did a post about it a couple weeks ago.
I loved baby yums yums....I love that they were mess free!!! Loved yo baby too, or I should say, Addison loved it! :)
i'll have to try all of those goodies for baby ida.
on a better for the environment note- we love 7th generation diapers
i get them at diapers.com in bulk but i noticed you can get them just about anywhere now.
Paul LOVES the YoBaby. (Daddy Dave sneaks them when I'm not looking). And if you sign up online to enter the codes on the top, you get free stuff. He has lots of free books already. Coupons on the website too. Do you think our boys will ever meet?
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