Mister is fanatical about his bitter biscuits...its all very serious to him. So much so that he could only give me a 1/2 smile for this photo.

and, how cute is misters Mustachio pillow? Im obsessed, and it goes so cute with this print in his nursery.

I told Estee yesterday that she looked like a rockstar and she FREAKED...she got so embarrassed...Im amazed at her beauty and those big green eyes.
I'm glad you likey-
your boys room is everything i love in the modern baby world
He IS such the big cheese!
He is so cute! Good for you for doing the biscuts, they love them...the OCD in me couldn't handle the mess though! :(
I just saw you have a HAT in your shop! OH DEAR! I'll have to finish up my christmas shopping and then see what I've got left over for Evy. :)
he's chowing! love the pillow.
what are bitter biscuts?
oh little mister...your bitter biscuit looks delightful!
The pillow is hilarious...we miss you guys!
That pillow, oh that pillow, too perfect. BTW - did you see your shout out on dearcjane.blogspot.com? So awesome Ann!!!
Loving the pillow!
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