Thursday, January 15, 2009

Run don't walk...

If you are local...These adult lovelies are now available at Soel boutique in Provo.


Amy said...

oh i'm running girl.

Anonymous said...

me too...these are the booomb...

and I love that new turquoise Estee is gorgeous!

meggan said...

oh heeeeyyyy, I am going to sprint right across the street and pick up a few of these gems, maybe get a Bajio salad while I'm at it. Congrats!

Unknown said...

i wish i had the time to get in there before they sell out. these are great!
i love soel boutique! i sell my jewelry there too!

Mary said...

I wish I were in Provo!

sarah marie. said...

these are real nice. i want one.

Amber P said...

So cute! That's great- I want them all! Also I LOVE the new banner!

Andrea said...

I want cute! Are you going to put them on Etsy? How are you feeling?

Andrea said...

Oh I just looked and they are on Etsy! Yay!!!!

Shelly Bean said...

we love them... thanks ann

Lauren Andersen said...

how can i get some?